International Combustion Equipment Srl (I.C.E.)

International Combustion Equipment Srl (I.C.E.)

10 products found

International Combustion Equipment Srl (I.C.E.) Products

  • ICE - Staged Fuel Gas Only Burners

    ICE - Staged Fuel Gas Only Burners

    The I.C.E. “SF” (Staged fuel gas only burners) burner design started in the late 90’s as an answer to market request of low NOx burners, suitable to meet pollutant emissions ...

  • ICE - Staged Fuel / Staged Air Dual Fuel Burners

    ICE - Staged Fuel / Staged Air Dual Fuel Burners

    Our “SA” (Staged fuel / Staged air dual fuel burners) series is your next choice for a new installation or retro fit. I.C.E. has a reputable experience in the production of burners for fired heaters. Ranging from small utility heaters to critical furnaces we have a broad range of burner sizes to suit your heating ...

  • ICE - Radiant  Burners

    ICE - Radiant Burners

    I.C.E. has added radiant wall design burners starting from early 2000, with a proven track list of successful installations, including some HTAS furnaces, even if not included in their approved supplier list yet. Process of approval has started and we consider this challenge as one of our major target for next ...

  • ICE - Flat Flame Burners

    ICE - Flat Flame Burners

    I.C.E. has a broad range of flat flame burners available to fit different process needs. Floor red or sidewall red, we can’t different mechanical needs depending on licensor rebox design. Firing characteristics and heat flux (of capital importance in ethylene cracking furnaces and other special heaters) are customized according to designers ...

  • ICE - Down Firing Burners

    ICE - Down Firing Burners

    I.C.E. can fit your top red reformers with the state of the art down firing burners, able to work from induced draft up to high temperature, low O2 content TEG ...

  • ICE - Model SRU - Claus Process Burners

    ICE - Model SRU - Claus Process Burners

    SRU / Claus processes are one of the most important/critical issues for installation and licensors. Starting for small, simple burners, now I.C.E. has the capability to design, realize and test burners for all involved unites. This is also confirmed by the increased number of I.C.E. supplies in this particular field. We also had the opportunity to install our burners in one Italian prestigious project, Tempa Rossa field, managed by Total. We consider this ...

  • ICE - Boiler Burners

    ICE - Boiler Burners

    I.C.E. designs and supply burners for boilers for steam generation in power plants, sugar factories and other industrial applications. Able to deal with different fuels (from natural gas to sour gas up to liquid fuels), I.C.E. boiler burners represent the right solution for industrial steam ...

  • ICE - Pilot Burners

    ICE - Pilot Burners

    I.C.E. burners are equipped with pilots completely designed and manufactured internally, well knowing the critical rate of such a special ...

  • ICE - Flare Packages

    ICE - Flare Packages

    ICE’s flare packages provide a broad broad range of elevated and ground ares, with the most common ...