IWA Publishing

IWA Publishing

12 Magazines & Journals found

IWA Publishing Magazines & Journals

  • Hydrology Research

    Hydrology Research

    It is the principal aim of the Journal to conform to the highest possible scientific and technical standards. Hydrology Research publishes articles within hydrology in its widest sense, with an emphasis on water quantity and quality aspects of the hydrological cycle. Papers that draw upon adjoining sciences are embraced as well. Hydrology Research is intended to be a link between basic hydrological ...

  • Journal of Hydroinformatics

    Journal of Hydroinformatics

    Journal of Hydroinformatics is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the application of information technology in the widest sense to problems of the aquatic environment. It promotes Hydroinformatics as a cross-disciplinary field of study, combining technological, human-sociological and more general environmental interests, including an ethical ...

  • Journal of Water and Climate Change

    Journal of Water and Climate Change

    Journal of Water and Climate Change publishes novel peer-reviewed research and practitioner papers on all aspects of water science, technology, management and innovation in response to climate change, with emphasis on reduction of energy usage. Review papers are particularly ...

  • Journal of Water and Health

    Journal of Water and Health

    Journal of Water and Health is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of information on the health implications and control of waterborne microorganisms and chemical substances in the broadest sense for developing and developed countries worldwide. This includes microbial toxins, chemical quality and the aesthetic qualities of ...

  • Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination

    Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination

    Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed papers on the science and technology, policy, regulation, social and economic aspects and applications of sustainable sources of water to cope with water scarcity, including new sources of non-conventional water. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination publishes review articles, theoretical and ...

  • Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

    Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

    The Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of high-quality information on the science, policy and practice of drinking-water supply, sanitation and hygiene at local, national and international ...

  • Water Policy

    Water Policy

    Water management and water infrastructure are preconditions for civilization, and demands on our water resources are increasing. In some regions these demands are exceeding capacities to supply water. Our old water institutions, laws, regulations, treaties and agreements are straining to meet the new demographic realities. Throughout the world there is a growing need to build a capacity for integrated water management in order to create new ...

  • Water Quality Research Journal of Canada

    Water Quality Research Journal of Canada

    The Water Quality Research Journal of Canada is a quarterly publication. It is a forum for original research dealing with the aquatic environment, and should report new and significant findings that advance the understanding of the field. Critical review articles are especially ...

  • Water Science & Technology

    Water Science & Technology

    Water Science and Technology publishes peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of the science and technology of wastewater treatment and water quality management worldwide. This encompasses five broad areas: Wastewater treatment and transportation processes for stormwater and domestic, industrial and municipal effluents; Sources of pollution including hazardous wastes and source control; Effects and impacts of pollution on rivers, ...

  • Water Science & Technology: Water Supply

    Water Science & Technology: Water Supply

    Water Science and Technology: Water Supply publishes peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of water supply. Subjects covered include: Management of water resources (including reservoirs); Water treatment technologies, including wastewater reuse and recycling; Water distribution systems; Drinking water quality; Water pollutants, characteristics and effects; Water utility management including economic and social aspects; Climate ...