Keller Manufacturing, Inc
Located in Lakeland, Fl, Keller Manufacturing is a leader in cremation and incinerator manufacturing. Our full line of equipment, will exceed each and every need that your facility has now, and in the future. Keller Manufacturing has built and serviced equipment across the country and across the globe. Our facility produces from the ground up machines shipped to four dozen countries and 6 continents.
Company details
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- Business Type:
- Manufacturer
- Industry Type:
- Manufacturing, Other
- Market Focus:
- Globally (various continents)
We have a 60 year history of manufacturing and servicing industry equipment worldwide.
Keller has gained a reputation for being a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of combustion systems. Based in Central Florida, we have manufactured and put into operation over two thousand (2,000) installations worldwide.
About Us
We strive to provide our customers with a superior machine that exceeds industry standards—a machine that operates beyond our customer’s needs, and outlasts their expectations.
We offer a full range of human, animal, and specialized waste incinerators as well as a full range of industry services including maintenance, refractory rebuilds, annual inspections, air pollution control, system upgrades, emergency services and support equipment.
We are experienced in the areas of medical, pathological and solid waste incineration as well as in the application of our technologies to other industries such as chemical, industrial, VOC and liquid waste treatment as well.
Keller has gained a reputation for being a leader in the design and manufacture of combustion systems. Based in Central Florida, we have manufactured and put into operation over five hundred (500) installations worldwide.
Our standard line of solid waste incineration equipment features our “Hot Hearth” systems, available in production capacities of up to 500 lb./hr. Our “Stepped Hearth” line of incinerators provide greater capacities, starting at 350 lb./hr. up to 1000 lb./hr., and can be configured on a custom basis to suit the characteristics and requirements of the system and facility where they are to be installed and needed. All of our incineration equipment operates on a geometrically similar construction and design principal and can be configured for solids, liquids and gaseous wastes, while providing features and benefits which cannot be matched in total by any other equipment manufacturer.
Our service department has years of electrical, plumbing, fabricating, and refractory experience. Whether it’s in house or in the field our professional staff can rebuild, refurbish, and upgrade any manufacturer’s machine.
We offer a complete range of equipment and services from the manufacturing of incinerators, thermal and recuperative thermal oxidizers, stacks, breaching, pollution control equipment and charging systems, to complete rebuilds of existing systems, technical consulting and engineering, waste analysis, environmental permitting and testing/certification.
When emissions requirements dictate that more than the effects of good combustion are needed, we are positioned and experienced to supply integrated systems and/or retrofit existing systems to meet virtually any demand.
Keller is family owned and privately operated with a 60 year history of manufacturing and servicing cremation and incineration industry equipment worldwide.