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LNG Filling Station Suppliers & Manufacturers

2 companies found
  • Karbonsan Pressure Vessels and Trading Co.
    based in Kadıkoy, TURKEY

    Karbonsan is one of the leading diversified industrial manufacturing companies in Turkey. Headquartered in Istanbul - Turkey, Karbonsan operates manufacturing and warehouse facilities in Orhangazi, Bursa – TURKEY, 20 km away from Gemlik, Bursa port; ...

    Karbonsan - LNG Filling Station

    Karbonsan - LNG Filling Station

    Liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) is a gas that converted to a liquid state by cooling to a temparature of about -160 °C. The rate of expansion of the natural gas from liquid to gas form is 1:600, that is , large amounts of energy ...

  • Sarlin Oy Ab
    based in Vantaa, FINLAND

    We are a pioneer in industrial compressed air, environmentally friendly energy technology and industrial automation and digital solutions. We serve industrial operators by implementing energy-efficient, more environmentally friendly and reliable ...

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