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Anaerobic Digestion Suppliers For Construction & Construction Materials

7 companies found
  • Clarke Energy
    based in Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

  • Bulk Handling Systems (BHS)
    based in Eugene, OREGON (USA)

    Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) designs, engineers, manufactures, and installs unparalleled sorting and handling systems throughout the world for the recycling, solid waste, wood products, and power generation industries. BHS custom-designed systems at ...

  • Suma Rührtechnik GmbH
    based in Sulzberg, GERMANY

    SUMA has been specializing in biogas, liquid manure and waste water agitators since 1957. At SUMA, we produce high performance, modular and custom solutions to fit your unique needs. Our dedication, knowledge and experience coupled with our ...

  • Edinburgh Sensors Ltd  - TECHCOMP Group
    based in Livingston, UNITED KINGDOM

    Founded in 1971, Edinburgh Sensors has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of gas detectors for cutting-edge gas sensing solutions. The application of our continued research and development has contributed to several major advances in ...

  • Remosa - Recubrimientos y Moldeados s.a.
    based in Noblejas, SPAIN

    ACO Remosa is a specialist in the development and manufacture of solutions for the separation, purification and reuse of wastewater, in fibreglass reinforced polyester (GRP). ACO Remosa is a company that belongs to the ACO Group and shares a strong ...

  • Vaisala
    based in Helsinki, FINLAND

    Vaisala is a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements. Building on over 85 years of experience, Vaisala provides observations for a better world, with space-proof technology even exploring Mars and beyond. We are a ...

  • Colubris Cleantech
    based in Winterswijk, NETHERLANDS

    Colubris Cleantech has been a leader in separation and purification technologies since 1984. We offer a comprehensive range of products and processes for water, waste, and bioresource solutions. We develop technologies and realize bioresource, ...

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