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Battery System Suppliers For Plastics & Resins

3 companies found
  • EnergyNest AS
    based in Billingstad, NORWAY

    Energy storage is at the heart of the energy transition - powering the move to a renewable future for global industry and ending fossil fuel dependency. At ENERGYNEST, our purpose is to make pioneering green solutions accessible to industry, giving ...

  • Clarke Energy
    based in Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

  • EMSc (UK) Ltd
    based in Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM

    Powerstar designs and manufactures a range of cutting-edge energy technologies to protect your operations from power disruption whilst making your power as affordable and sustainable as possible. All are manufactured in the UK. Contact us to see how ...

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