Biodiesel In Diesel Suppliers In USA

10 companies found
  • AMETEK Spectro Scientific
    based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    Spectro Scientific, an ISO 9001:2015 company, specializes in analytical tools and software for machine condition monitoring. The company is one of the largest suppliers of oil, fuel and fluid analysis instruments to industry and the military ...

  • Saola Energy
    based in Wichita, KANSAS (USA)

    Saola Energy offers proprietary technology packages for renewable diesel and enzymatic biodiesel by adding value to your existing product streams and diversifying your portfolio. We provide support through the life of the project - from providing ...

  • Amyris Biotechnologies, Inc.
    based in Emeryville, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Amyris is a renewable products company devoted to creating a more sustainable world. We provide solutions to the world's transportation energy and climate crises by applying a unique science platform that enables us to create truly No Compromise ...

    Amyris Renewable Diesel

    Amyris Renewable Diesel

    The first Amyris fuel – a renewable diesel – is planned to be commercially available as early as 2010. Reducing CO2 emissions without compromising engine performance or price, Amyris diesel solves many of the ...

  • Trucent
    Office in Noblesville, INDIANA (USA)

    At Trucent, we believe there is a better way to maximize resource use and profitability. A way that does good for our Earth and improves the quality of business operations. Our focus is to develop and provide reliable fluid separation technologies, ...

    CentraSep - Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel Filtering and Separating System

    CentraSep - Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel Filtering and Separating System

    CentraSep can offer you savings in labor expenses, filter media purchasing costs, inventory and disposal fees, and water / fluid replacement. Biodiesel and diesel fuel filtering and separating is a process that our ...

  • Envantage Inc.
    based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA)

    Envantage, Inc. is an analytical chemistry services and solutions company with operations based in Cleveland, Ohio and Houston, Texas. We are a privately held corporation registered in Ohio that specializes in solving problems experienced by ...

    Envantage - Biodiesel/FAME in Diesel Analyzer

    Envantage - Biodiesel/FAME in Diesel Analyzer

    Envantage Biodiesel/FAME in Diesel Analyzer is a rugged, small footprint (2 foot by 2 foot) analyzer that utilizes mid-infrared spectroscopy to determine content of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) ...

  • Emisstar LLC
    Consulting firm
    based in Austin, TEXAS (USA)

    Emisstar LLC is a consulting practice focused on the scientific, technology, business, policy and public health issues surrounding mobile air emissions. The company was formed in 2005 to assist private and public sector clientele with understanding ...

  • Cellana Inc.
    Office in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Cellana, a leading developer of algae-based bioproducts, uses the most productive plants on earth – marine microalgae – to produce its ReNew line of Omega-3 EPA and DHA oils, animal feed, and biofuel feedstocks. Cellana’s patented ALDUO system, a ...

    ReNew - Renewable Diesel

    ReNew - Renewable Diesel

    Renewable diesel is one of the most advanced diesel fuels on the market today outperforming both conventional biodiesel and fossil diesel. Renewable diesel has the ...

  • Rainforest Reliance
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in COCOA, FLORIDA (USA)

    Rainforest Reliance is a Non-Profit Organization based out of Florida USA that focuses on the preservation, restoration and maintenance of our world’s most precious resources Our Rainforests, Biodiversity and Indigenous Populations who habitat. We ...

  • Continental Refining Company (CRC), LLC
    based in Somerset, KENTUCKY (USA)

    Our mission at CRC is to operate an agricultural and petroleum industrial complex as an innovative leader to produce and distribute high quality feed and fuel products, foster interdependent relationships with local farmers and the Central Kentucky ...

    CRC UltraBurn - Model F100 - Diesel Blends

    CRC UltraBurn - Model F100 - Diesel Blends

    — a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, meeting ASTM D 6751, designated F100, UltraBurn Blend, n. — a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based ...

  • SPX Flow Technology Norderstedt GmbH
    Distributor in Birmingham, ALABAMA (USA)

    SPX FLOW, Inc. (NYSE: FLOW) is a world leader in sustainable solutions that ensure the controlled and measured movements of life's essential elements. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, with operations in more than 30 countries and sales to ...

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