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Biogas Digestate Suppliers & Manufacturers

7 companies found
  • Ennox Biogas Technology GmbH
    based in Hard, AUSTRIA

    Ennox biogas technology is one of the leading companies in the area of biogas treatment, gas storage technology and gas flaring technology. Our modern gas components cover the entire bandwidth of biogas equipment - starting with digester equipment, ...

    Ennox - Model MHR / MHL / MHL 2 - Modern Manholes Unit

    Ennox - Model MHR / MHL / MHL 2 - Modern Manholes Unit

    Manholes in digesters, Biogas reactors or other concrete containers serve to allow unrestricted and safe access as also an entry point for materials and other components. They also serve as an inspection point which ...

  • Suomen Biovoima Oy
    based in Jyväskylä, FINLAND

    We are a customer-oriented Finnish cleantech company for waste treatment and renewable energy. Our areas of expertise include business plans and profitability calculations related to biogas and biodiesel projects and other environmental ...

    Biovoima - Biogas Digestate Post-Treatment Plant

    Biovoima - Biogas Digestate Post-Treatment Plant

    Separators – digestate separation into solid and liquid fractions. The end product of the biogas plant, the digestate, is often separated into solid and liquid fractions, which improves its ...

  • Avenam Links Int`l Ltd
    Engineering service provider
    based in , NIGERIA

    AVENAM Links Int’l Ltd. One of the leading Renewable Energy companies in Nigeria, was incorporated to bring affordable Biogas digester and generator technology, Solar System and Wind energy technology to Nigerians as well as providing a simple, cost ...

    Domestic Biogas Plant

    Domestic Biogas Plant

    The Domestic Biogas Plant is composed of a greenhouse made with hollow sunlight sheet and metal supporting frame, a membrane digester with a gas storage bag combined in one, a stainless steel sink, stainless steel ...

  • Agastya Invention Pvt Ltd
    based in Kolkata, INDIA

    Agastya Invention is a market leader in technical textile manufacturing and is actively engaged in various clean-tech activities ranging from renewable energy (Biogas), river-cleaning, oil-spill management to Biofloc aquaculture.  Agastya Invention ...

  • IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas GmbH
    Training provider
    based in Kirchberg/Jagst, GERMANY

    Our priority is to promote and support the development of biogas and to provide an efficient application for a sustainable future. Latest research and applicability are the cornerstones of our work. We are facing this challenge both in the cradle of ...

    IBBK - Beginner Biogas Online Training Courses

    IBBK - Beginner Biogas Online Training Courses

    IBBK’s Brand New Online Course: Join our online biogas training, based on 20 years of practical experience and after digging through thousands of pages of literature (so you don’t have to). The Online ...

    based in Surrey, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Drycake was established in 1995 as a separation process solution company. Our first product was the centrifuge, we quickly expanded to screens, grit removal, and now depackagers. Thanks to our professional Research and Development team, our range is ...

  • Norsk Biogass AS
    based in Nesbru, NORWAY

    Food Waste Pre-treatment System. Next generation process to convert food waste into valuable biomass for biogas production. Enormous volumes of food waste disappear untapped into landfills and or incineration world wide, causing huge negative impact ...

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