Biogas Digestate Suppliers In Latin America

5 companies found
  • Kovalus Separation Solutions, Inc.
    Office in São Paulo, BRAZIL

    Kovalus Separation Solutions™ is transforming the landscape of separations by developing and leveraging synergistic technology such as membrane filtration, ion exchange, evaporation, drying, and more. With over half a century’s worth of experience, ...

  • Varec Biogas, A Division of Ovivo USA, LLC.
    Distributor in Macul, CHILE

    The Vapor Recovery Systems Co. (VAREC) began business in the early 1930’s at its manufacturing plant in Compton, California. While in its infancy, the biogas market of the early 1950’s experienced rapid growth. This led to Varec’s focus on ...

    Varec Biogas - Field Services

    Varec Biogas - Field Services

    Biogas produced from anaerobic digestion is typically wet, dirty, and contains corrosive elements such as hydrogen sulfide. The gas is flammable and provides a potential safety hazard if not handled properly. These ...

    Office in Großostheim, ECUADOR

    ELIQUO bundles the activities of our owner, SKion Water GmbH, in the field of municipal water and wastewater treatment in Europe. EPC contracting is at the core of our activities and we are proud to offer more than 30 years of experience in the ...

  • Manufacturer
    Office in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

    EndressHauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering. We provide process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analytics, temperature, recording and digital communications, ...

  • Suma Rührtechnik GmbH
    Office in Marechal Cândido Rondon, BRAZIL

    SUMA has been specializing in biogas, liquid manure and waste water agitators since 1957. At SUMA, we produce high performance, modular and custom solutions to fit your unique needs. Our dedication, knowledge and experience coupled with our ...

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