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Biomass Generator Service Providers

3 companies found
  • EECO2 Limited
    Service provider
    based in Macclesfield, UNITED KINGDOM

    The core expertise & experience within EECO2 is not the usual Consultant format as we all come from a design & build background, commercially grounded and totally focused upon the identification & cost effective delivery of identified energy ...

    Incorporating Future / Emerging Renewable Energy Sources for Future

    Incorporating Future / Emerging Renewable Energy Sources for Future

    Algal Biomass as a next generation fuel source. As an example a loaf of bread can be converted into bio ...

  • Service provider
    based in Doncaster, UNITED KINGDOM

    SARIA's operations in the UK are active in a wide range of sectors associated with the food chain. The Group’s companies manufacture quality products for use in human and animal foodstuffs, agriculture, aquaculture, and industrial applications. ...

    Renewable Energy

    Renewable Energy

    PDM Group's renewable energy operations help in achieving both of these vitally important environmental goals. PDM Group's biomass-to-energy plants use unused or unusable food as bio-fuels in place of traditional fossil fuels such ...

  • Global Bioenergies SA
    Service provider
    based in Evry Cedex, FRANCE

    Global Bioenergies is one of the few companies worldwide, and the only one in Europe, that is developing a process to convert renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. The Company initially focused its efforts on the production of ...

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