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Cloud-Based Energy Monitoring Suppliers & Manufacturers

4 companies found
  • Envantage Ltd
    based in Didsbury, UNITED KINGDOM

    Envantage was incorporated in April 2004 by experienced professionals within the energy supply industry with a vast knowledge of energy procurement, energy efficiency and energy legislation. We have developed over the years, building an impressive ...

  • S4E - Soft4Energy
    Software vendor
    based in Lorient, FRANCE

    S4E, also known as soft4energy, provides the Energysoft application, a specialized cloud-based platform for monitoring energy production and consumption across various sites. Designed for professionals and businesses engaged in renewable energy, ...

    S4E Energysoft - Energy Management Tracking Tool for Solar Power Plant

    S4E Energysoft - Energy Management Tracking Tool for Solar Power Plant

    Energysoft is a cloud-based application dedicated to multi-site and multi-manufacturer monitoring of energy production and consumption. It offers real-time insights into solar power ...

  • NOVEDA Technologies, Inc.
    Software vendor
    based in Bridgewater, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    Noveda Technologies is an innovative leader in real-time, web-based energy and water monitoring. The company’s patented software solutions help reduce energy and water usage, optimize performance of renewable energy systems, and reduce the carbon ...

  • eSight Energy Ltd
    Software vendor
    based in Swavesey, UNITED KINGDOM

    eSight Energy provide leading global energy management software and services helping organisations reduce energy consumption, costs, and carbon emissions by up to 30. We’re a recognised leading provider of energy management software and services ...

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