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Combined Heat And Power System Suppliers & Manufacturers

2 companies found
  • PyroGenesys Ltd.
    based in Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM

    PyroGenesys is an integrated energy technology provider, and manufacturer of low carbon renewable products. PyroGenesys’ PyroGasifier, a unique combination of pyrolysis and gasification technology, turns waste biomass into a decentralized supply of ...

    PyroGenesys - Model Bio-CCHP - Combined Cooling, Heat and Power System for Waste Biomass

    PyroGenesys - Model Bio-CCHP - Combined Cooling, Heat and Power System for Waste Biomass

    The PyroGenesys PYROGASIFIER concept, is a unique combination of pyrolysis and gasification technology, that turns waste biomass into a decentralized supply of combined cooling, heat and ...

  • Agripower Incorporated
    based in Great Neck, NEW YORK (USA)

    AgriPower is a manufacturer of modular, transportable and advanced technology 'Heat Only' and 'Combined Heat and Power' Waste to Energy Systems. The Systems can use Biomass (wood, paper, cardboard, and agricultural and forest waste) and a wide ...

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