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Denox Suppliers & Manufacturers

44 companies found
  • Baolan EP Inc.
    based in Zibo City, CHINA

    BAOLAN EP INC. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in waste gas treatment equipment. The company is located in High-tech Development Zone, Zibo city, Shandong province. At present, the company has the EPC qualification of environmental protection ...

    Baolan - Low Nitrogen Oxide Combustion System

    Baolan - Low Nitrogen Oxide Combustion System

    Low nitrogen oxide combustion technology is to improve the combustion equipment or control the combustion conditions, using a variety of combustion means in the furnace to control the production of NOx in the combustion process, in order to reduce ...

    based in Poissy, FRANCE

    ENVEA manufactures high-precision monitoring systems as well as environmental data processing and reporting solutions with extensive knowledge in the development of complete turnkey solutions. We assist entities in complying with applicable ...

  • Lummus Technology
    based in Houston, TEXAS (USA)

    With a heritage spanning more than 110 years and a focus on innovation that has resulted in more than 130 technologies and 3,400 patents and patent applications, Lummus is the global leader in the development and implementation of process ...

  • Manufacturer
    based in Tokyo, JAPAN

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) have no peer as a comprehensive manufacturer of machinery, providing over 700 of the products that underpin every industry as well as urban lifestyles. Ours is always a global perspective as we develop our ...

    SCR(DeNOx)System - Environment

    SCR(DeNOx)System - Environment

    Increasing concern for the prevention of air pollution has made it necessary to install the SCR (DeNOx) system. We have manufactured and delivered over 500 units of such a system for the treatment of flue gas produced primarily by ...

  • FlowVision A/S
    based in Odense N, DENMARK

    We specialize in the design and supply of state of the art emission abatement systems and consultancy services. Key individuals within the organization have >25 years´ experience in emissions abatement technology design/supply and combustion ...

  • MAL DeNOx Systems
    based in Vienna, AUSTRIA

    MAL DeNOx Systems is one of the leading companies in the field of industrial flue gas cleaning for DeNOx plants. We offer innovative, customized solutions for denitrification of flue gas in order to ensure the lowest possible ...

  • Burmeister & Wain Energy A/S (BWE)
    based in Allerød, DENMARK

    BWE is an international Hi-Tech company that meets the market demand through development, design, construction and commissioning of high efficiency advanced utility and biomass steam boilers to the energy industry. Our multi-fuel USC (Ultra Super ...

  • EuroSMC S.A.
    based in Madrid, SPAIN

    We are a leading company that designs, manufactures and market a range of electronic products and solutions for electrical testing, tests and measurement equipment related to the commissioning and maintenance in substations, power plants and energy ...

  • H+H Engineering & Service GmbH
    based in Sonnefeld, GERMANY

    With over 30 years of experience in SCR technology, H+H serves customers from around the world as a competent partner. Since our foundation in 2007, the H+H Engineering & Service team has been supporting customers worldwide from the planning of ...

    H-H-Engineering - Model DeNOx - Exhaust Cleaning Systems

    H-H-Engineering - Model DeNOx - Exhaust Cleaning Systems

    Exhaust Cleaning Systems for stationary combustion engines, non-engine combustion processes and industrial boilers. Engine and non-engine combustion processes in stationary and industrial applications are subject to strict legal guidelines, just as ...

  • AB Combustion & Iridescence
    based in Askersund, SWEDEN

    ABC&I is the expert company in the advanced discipline of NOx-reduction. ABC&I is supplying high technology deNOx-systems for the heavy, energy intensive industry. Successful deliveries of NOx-reduction projects have been carried out for the energy ...

    Solutions for the Energy Recovery Industry

    Solutions for the Energy Recovery Industry

    The ABC&I deNOx-technology is creating a chemical reaction taking the NOx away from the flue gas. The upper part of the free fire place volume in the boiler is used. This section is utilised as an internal 'chemical reactor' ...

  • AB Holding SpA
    based in Orzinuovi (BS), ITALY

    Since 1981, AB has tackled the challenges posed by energy sustainability, working alongside our customers to improve their competitiveness while saving energy and reducing emissions. From our earliest days, we have focused on innovation to develop ...

    AB-Holding - Model DeNOx SCR - Reactor

    AB-Holding - Model DeNOx SCR - Reactor

    The DeNOx SCR Reactor processes the NOx emissions from the ECOMAX® modules fueled with natural gas or biogas from anaerobic digestion, ensuring compliance with the emission limits into the ...

  • Fluitec - Mixing + Reaction Solutions AG
    based in Neftenbach, SWITZERLAND

    Fluitec launched its first static mixers in the market back. Today, Fluitec is a reliable partner for high quality products whose know-how spans a wide range of mixing, heat transfer and reaction tasks in the chemical, petrochemical, ...

  • EnviroExperts Italia Srl
    Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
    based in Calolziocorte, ITALY

    EnviroExperts Italia Srl (already known as DEPARIA) is a small company with some exclusive solutions for air pollution remediation: Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (RTO), DeNOx Selective Catalytic Reduction (DeNOx SCR), electrostatic precipitators, ...

    Consulting firm
    based in Brussels, BELGIUM

    Tractebel Engineering is a global engineering consultancy company with more than 100 years of expertise in energy and infrastructure projects. Tractebel Engineering’s services cover the whole lifecycle of these projects, from feasibility studies to ...

    Coal-fired Power Plants Services

    Coal-fired Power Plants Services

    The renovation of each unit consisted in: renovation of the boiler (replacement of the pressure parts), installation of a DeNox system and renovation of the steam turbine, generator and some ...

  • Clariant International Ltd.
    based in Munich, GERMANY

    Clariant Corporation, formerly Sud-Chemie, sells, manufactures, and develops catalyst technology for industrial exhaust gas treatment. This includes removal of VOC's, HC's and decomposition of nitrogen compounds. Clariant is an internationally ...

  • Hitachi Zosen Inova AG
    based in Zurich, SWITZERLAND

    Hitachi Zosen Inova is involved in engineering, construction, maintenance, and operation of thermal waste treatment plants. We are a global leader in energy from waste (EfW), acting as an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor ...

  • Smart Techno System India Pvt Ltd.
    based in Ahmedabad, INDIA

    Company of young dynamic professionals with 27 yrs of experience in the field of instrumentation. We provide Tailor made solutions with the state of the art technology such as Laser based maintenance free gas and analyzers, True wireless systems, ...

  • BoldEco Environment, Inc.
    based in Skillman, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    After years of developing systems for leaders in air pollution control technologies and process control, our team of original and creative thinkers is developing truly innovative ways of implementing traditional technologies dedicated to customer ...

  • Miretti Group
    based in Limbiate (MB), ITALY

    Since 1973 Miretti Group has been Leader in the Explosion Proof Protection of industrial equipment, engines and mobile vehicles destined to operate in potentially explosive atmospheres and in the Emission Control Systems reducing exhaust pollution. ...

  • Dürr Systems, Inc.
    based in De Pere, WISCONSIN (USA)

    Dürr is a leading global supplier of environmental solutions and engineered products tailored to meet customers' industrial process requirements. We offer a complete portfolio of air pollution control technologies and drying and curing systems. ...

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