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District Heating Plant Suppliers & Manufacturers

18 companies found
  • Jernforsen Energi System AB
    based in Halmstad, SWEDEN

    It is no coincidence that we are the best at what we do. Since 1984, Jernforsen has delivered biofuel plants to more than 1000 satisfied customers worldwide. Today we are proud to be at the forefront of technological development and production of ...

    District Heating Plant

    District Heating Plant

    Many of our customers are district heating operators where efficiency and environmental requirements are the most important factors for a good operating economy. In most cases, we try to include flue gas ...

  • Vapor Boilers Oy
    based in OULU, FINLAND

    Vapor has grown into a provider of full-service energy solutions that comprehensively meet its customers’ needs, from project design through to turnkey delivery. We draw on our long experience to provide our customers with energy efficient solutions ...

    Vapor - District Heating Plant

    Vapor - District Heating Plant

    The usage of CO2 neutral combustibles contributes to combating climate change and also provides wide-ranging financial benefits. Vapor boiler plant series is designed to provide long-term, energy efficient and ecological solutions. ...

  • AKOTEC Produktionsgesellschaft mbH
    based in Angermünde, GERMANY

    AKOTEC was founded in 2008 and is based in Angermunde, 80 km from Berlin. The idea was born in 2008 to develop and produce high-performance, full vacuum tube collectors to produce thermal energy. AKOTEC and a well known expert of solar thermal ...

  • Oilon Oy
    based in Lahti, FINLAND

    We are a Finnish family-owned energy and environmental technology company founded in 1961. We specialize in environmental technology with a special emphasis on product research and development work. The main focus areas of our research and ...

  • Swebo Bioenergy
    based in Boden, SWEDEN

    SWEBO Bioenergy AB develops, produces and markets environmentally friendly and carbon neutral Bioenergy systems for larger residential houses, industry facilities, and local shared heating plants. The company specializes in the production and ...

  • SOLID Solar Energy Systems GmbH
    based in Graz, AUSTRIA

    SOLID Solar Energy Systems (SOLID SES) is a system engineering company that provides customer-centred turnkey and Energy Service Contract solutions for Planning and Operation of large-scale solar thermal energy systems. SOLID brings together ...

  • Linka Energy A/S
    based in Lem St., DENMARK

    We are experts in guiding you to the choices and solutions, that give you the best results from your biomass plant. Linka was founded in 1978 in the wake of the global oil crisis. Since the beginning we have focused on the development and ...

    Linka - Model 250 - 5,000 kW - District Heating Biomass Mobile Plant for Straw

    Linka - Model 250 - 5,000 kW - District Heating Biomass Mobile Plant for Straw

    Linka’s mobile plants are complete, turnkey heating plants placed in containers, customized to the plant's size. The plant is delivered and installed by a ...

  • Verdo
    based in Randers NV, DENMARK

    We create green energy that makes a world of difference. Sustainable energy is our core business. We develop green energy plants for industry and energy supply services both in Denmark and abroad. We are among Europe’s leading suppliers of ...

    Verdo - Mobile Energy Plants

    Verdo - Mobile Energy Plants

    Don’t have room for a separate boiler room, or just like the idea of a mobile plant? Then a block trailer or a modular housing unit from Verdo is the optimum solution. We specialise in the construction, delivery and ...

  • AX-Consulting
    Service provider
    based in Tampere, FINLAND

    AX Consulting comprises a group of four companies that began operations in the spring of 1993. The AX Consulting group of companies are AX-LVI Consulting Ltd, AX-Process Ltd, Axovaatio Ltd, and AX-Konsultit Ltd. The employees wholly own the ...

  • Tecnowide srl
    based in Lesmo, ITALY

    After 20 years of technical experience, in 2009 was born Tecnowide, who designs and produces high quality plate heat exchangers and brazed plate heat exchangers, which are certified CE, able to meet multiple requirements plant process. The company ...

  • RJM International
    based in Winchester, UNITED KINGDOM

    RJM resolves the most complex combustion, emissions and operational challenges for coal, oil and gas-fired plant, as well as biomass and Waste to Energy facilities, through the application of cost-effective, innovative solutions. RJM International ...

    RJM - Ultra-Low Emission Burners

    RJM - Ultra-Low Emission Burners

    RJM has responded to growing demand for ultra-low emission burners by developing a new type of gas burner that can be sized to suit many different industrial applications, from factories with an on-site demand for heat and power, ...

  • TATANO s.n.c.
    based in Cammarata (Ag), ITALY

    The Tatano range offers high-quality biomass boilers, hot-air generators, fireplaces and solar panels, innovative, reliable and ideal for all applications. We believe that the only way to provide the best heating solutions is to make sure they are ...

    Tatano Kalorina - Model 23 E - Boiler With Fixed-Grid System

    Tatano Kalorina - Model 23 E - Boiler With Fixed-Grid System

    The boiler is designed to convert production waste into alternative energy: sawmill, forest, agricultural and energy crops. It is suitable for applications with higher thermal loads, therefore ideal for heating sawmills, forestry ...

  • Weiss ApS
    based in Hadsund, DENMARK

    We specialize in delivering service, spare parts, overall solutions and energy optimizations on Weiss waste- and biomass energy plants. For more than 92 years, Weiss has specialized in in delivering custom-designed and CO2 neutral energy plants and ...

    Weiss - Control and Surveillance Systems

    Weiss - Control and Surveillance Systems

    As a minimum all our plants are controlled with a view to under-pressure and 02 percentages in the flue gas. For this a frequency converter is used on the flue gas fan. Starting from the smallest industrial plant ...

  • Justsen Energiteknik A/S
    Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
    based in Brabrand, DENMARK

    Justsen Energiteknik A/S is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specializing in biomass boiler systems. We work through our technical partners in selected markets and together we deliver complete biomass boiler plant projects and after sales ...

  • O`Brien Dust Control Ltd.
    based in Dublin, IRELAND

    Having supplied Dutch, German, English and American ventilating equipment since 1955, O’Brien Dust Control Ltd recognised the inherent limits of importation and moved to complete the supply chain by manufacturing a full range of Dust Extraction and ...

  • NIRAS Consulting Engineers and Planners A/S
    Engineering service provider
    based in Allerød, DENMARK

    NIRAS is an international, multidisciplinary consultancy company with over 1300 employees located in offices in Europe, Asia and Africa. Our business is to provide impartial consultancy in a variety of fields such as construction and infrastructure, ...

    District Heating and Supply Services

    District Heating and Supply Services

    District heating is and has been among NIRAS’ key competences since the 1980s. Our consultancy services include all aspects of planning, design, and monitoring of district ...

  • Hydrogen Technologies LLC
    based in Stockton, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Hydrogen Technologies has patented a breakthrough method for burning hydrogen and oxygen in a vacuum chamber to create high-temperature heat and steam with zero greenhouse gases. With the only by-product being water, the cleanH2steam Dynamic ...

  • Biomass Magazine - BBI International
    Publishing company
    based in

    Biomass Magazine is a monthly trade publication tailored to serve companies and organizations engaged in producing or utilizing biomass power and heat, advanced biofuels, biogas, wood pellets and biobased chemicals. In addition to policy, ...

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