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Duct Burner Suppliers & Manufacturers

5 companies found
  • Forney Corporation
    based in Addison, TEXAS (USA)

    Forney Corporation manufactures front-end combustion components serving the electric utilities, chemical processing, pulp/paper and cement industries. Since its inception in 1927, Forney has expanded its product line to include igniters, burners, ...

    adVantage - Duct Burner

    adVantage - Duct Burner

    adVantage Duct Burners perform in the most challenging conditions. Premium components and patented technology join to perform like no other duct ...

  • Santin SRL - Industrial burners
    based in Senago, ITALY

    Santin Industrial Burners is engaged in the manufacturing and maintenance of natural gas and LPG burners and low-emission burners. Thanks to its team of specialized technicians and over forty years of experience in the business, it is able to offer ...

    Model VG - Duct Burners

    Model VG - Duct Burners

    VG are suitable for heating fresh air in make-up and process air heating applications with minimum 18% O2. VG are assembled with straight sections 150 and 300 mm and Cross and TE sections that allow to create the burner shape ...

  • Rentech Boiler Systems, Inc.
    based in Abilene, TEXAS (USA)

    Rentech Boiler Systems is the worldwide leading manufacturer of custom water tube and waste heat recovery boilers. Specified for use in industries ranging from refineries to renewables to campuses and applications ranging from gas- or hydrogen-fired ...

    Rentech - Cross Flow Two-Drum HRSG

    Rentech - Cross Flow Two-Drum HRSG

    Rentech’s cross flow HRSG is a compact design, engineered to fit in almost any footprint. These units can be provided in multiple gas flow configurations, adding to the design flexibility. Tube arrangements can be staggered or inline to ...

  • Inproheat Industries Ltd.
    based in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Inproheat Industries Ltd. is a premier industrial energy solutions provider to industry. With over 60 years of experience, we provide a diverse range of top-tier refractory and foundry products to the foundry and steel-making sectors in western ...

  • Flach & Le-Roy Ltd
    based in Huntingdon, UNITED KINGDOM

    Flach & Le-Roy Ltd is an industry leader in designing and delivering high performance drying, ventilation & storage systems for crops & woodchip. Formed in 1993 its high quality product and design services include drive-on drying floors, air ducts, ...

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