Electrical Measurement Suppliers In South Korea

4 companies found
  • DILO Armaturen und Anlagen GmbH
    Distributor in Incheon-City, SOUTH KOREA

    For more than 70 years, DILO has been the epitome of professional reconditioning, mixing and recovery of gases. As technology leader DILO offers everything for successful gas handling in the fields of SF6 gas, Alternative Gases, equipment for ...

  • Innovative Sensor Technology (IST) AG - an EndressHauser Company
    Distributor in Seoul, SOUTH KOREA

    At Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG we specialize in the development and manufacturing of temperature sensors, thermal mass flow sensors, humidity sensors, conductivity sensors and biosensors. In addition to our standard products, we offer ...

  • KONČAR - Electrical Engineering Institute Ltd.
    Distributor in Ulsan, SOUTH KOREA

    Your reliable partner in the areas of electrical engineering, rail vehicles and infrastructure, laboratory testing, diagnostics, and certification. Based on years of research in transformers, rotating machines, switching devices, wind turbines, and ...

    KONCAR - Model LA&P - Load Angle and Power Measurement System

    KONCAR - Model LA&P - Load Angle and Power Measurement System

    One of the key parameters of the power generator in terms of control and stability protection is the angle of the induced voltage internal to the generator (load angle). Load Angle & Power System (LA&P) enables direct ...

  • Norsonic AS
    Distributor in Gyeonggi-do, SOUTH KOREA

    Starting with an order for a Perceived Noise Level calculator to the Anglo-French supersonic Concorde project in 1967, Norsonic has for 50 years used our technical expertise to develop sound instrumentation of high precision and quality. Combining ...

    Norsonic - Model Nor1438 - Lemo Cable

    Norsonic - Model Nor1438 - Lemo Cable

    Having a length of 2 metres, this cable is a 3 mm thin and flexible cable with BNC connector in one end and a Lemo male in the other end. For connection of an electrical signal to a measuring instrument using ...


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