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Electrical Motor Suppliers For Domestic

3 companies found
  • Mazzoni S.r.l.
    based in Cavriago (RE), ITALY

    Mazzoni S.r.l. is one of the world leader in the production of high-pressure washers, Pumps and other components for industrial and professional cleaning. The result of this effort is that today Mazzoni Srl is an international brand that settles for ...

  • Nixalite of America Inc.
    based in East Moline, ILLINOIS (USA)

    In the late 1940s, Charles B. Kaufmann patented and manufactured the first Nixalite bird control spike models and founded the Nixalite of America, Inc. Company. Almost at once, people could see the endless possibilities that these stainless steel ...

  • Tinytech Plants
    based in Rajkot, INDIA

    Tinytech Plants is a company for promoting tiny enterprises in various industrial fields through human technology for achieving rural development, local self reliance, poverty eradication and employment & income generation by creating alternative of ...

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