Energy Auditing Service Suppliers & Manufacturers
Research institutebased in Bangalore, INDIA
Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) is the power house of the Indian electrical industry. Set up in by the Government of India, it functions as a centre for applied research in electrical power engineering assisting the electrical industry in ...
Energy Audit Services
Energy audit is a technique used to establish pattern of energy use; identify how and where loses are occurring; and suggest appropriate economically viable engineering solutions to conserve various ...
Distributorbased in Buffalo Grove, ILLINOIS (USA)
Founded in 2007, Connexion has become one of the preeminent electrical equipment and supply providers in the Midwest. Connexion provides a wide array of leading electrical and lighting products, design services, expert application support and ...
Free Energy Savings Audit Services
After personnel and real estate, utility costs are typically an organization's third highest expense. Therefore, reducing energy consumption can be a highly effective means for cutting costs. Connexion Energy ...
Manufacturerbased in Bloomer, WISCONSIN (USA)
Catalytic Combustion, an Emissions Company, has a diversified base with five major divisions: Catalyst - Engine Catalyst, VOC Control/Air Correction, Exhaust, Power Generation and Metal Fabrication. Our products use patented technology to reduce the ...
Engineering service providerbased in Morrisville, NORTH CAROLINA (USA)
Founded in 1988 solely as an environmental consulting firm, EI’s response to its clients’ needs led to a natural progression for the company to widen its scope of services. As a result, EI began providing comprehensive consulting in areas including ...
Energy Audits and Assessments Services
In many organizations the management of utility costs has only recently become a significant priority. Considering that energy and telecommunications costs can make up as much as 25 percent of an organization's overall operating ...
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