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Energy Conversion Suppliers & Manufacturers

152 companies found
  • Metrohm AG
    based in Herisau, SWITZERLAND

    Metrohm is a worldwide leading manufacturer of precision instruments for chemical analysis. In the field of electrochemical ion analysis Metrohm has been the unchallenged world number one for many years. This is reflected in the company’s ...

  • AB Micatrone
    based in Solna, SWEDEN

    We develop, manufacture and sell electronic measurement and control equipment within the business areas Ventilation and Heat Production. Our products help you measure and control air pressure and flows in ventilation ducts, boilers and other ...

  • Untha UK Ltd
    based in Boroughbridge, UNITED KINGDOM

    UNTHA UK provides the country’s most comprehensive range of waste shredders, designed to increase clients’ profitability through engineering excellence, efficiency and reliability. Drawing upon a rich heritage of waste shredding expertise and ...

  • Jema Energy S.A
    based in Lasarte-Oria (Gipuzkoa), SPAIN

    We are a benchmark company in the energy sector that has been innovating in the design and manufacture of energy conversion systems for 70 years. Since Jesús María Aguirre took his first steps in power electronics in 1953, the company has remained ...

    Jema - Model X8 Series - Energy Conversion System

    Jema - Model X8 Series - Energy Conversion System

    The X8 family is capable of actually handling its rated power at 1500 Vdc. The converter is fully configurable to work as a PV inverter, BESS converter and fuel cell rectifier. The new multilevel topology not only allows full power operation over ...

  • Convion Ltd
    based in Espoo, FINLAND

    Convion Ltd was established in 2012 and in January 2013 the company took over Wärtsilä’s fuel cell program and continued development and commercialization of products based on solid oxide fuel cell technology as an independent company. In spite of ...

    Energy Conversion Device

    Energy Conversion Device

    Fuel cell is an energy conversion device that converts fuel’s energy into electricity and heat by electrochemical combination of fuel with oxygen without combustion. Therefore efficiency of ...

  • EEI – Equipaggiamenti Elettronici Industriali S.p.A.
    based in Vicenza, ITALY

    A consolidated experience in power electronics, automation systems and production technologies in different industrial sectors. For more than 40 years the progression of EEI has been gradual and continuous until it reaches its current size with more ...

    EEI - Model EDO - Hybrid Energy Storage System

    EEI - Model EDO - Hybrid Energy Storage System

    EDO IS THE NEW EEI HYBRID STORAGE SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR THE NEEDS OF MODERN HOUSES. The EDO system includes all the components needed to transform the energy produced by photovoltaic panels into usable energy for ...

  • AmePower
    based in Miami, FLORIDA (USA)

    AmePower is an innovative global leader specializing in Design, Retrofit, Modernization, Repair and Manufacturing of customized High Power Energy Converters. With over 20 years of specialized expertise, we deliver best-in-class technology of power ...

  • GenCell Ltd
    based in Petah Tikva, ISRAEL

    GenCell develops unique fuel cell solutions that offer clean power for humanity. Using the ultra-reliable and exhaust-free technology that powered the American and Russian space programs, we have removed the platinum inside our fuel cells and ...

    GenCell - Electrochemical Energy Conversion Fuel Cell Device

    GenCell - Electrochemical Energy Conversion Fuel Cell Device

    A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that was invented in 1839 by William Grove to produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen into water. Like batteries, fuel cells convert potential ...

  • Energy Technology Partnership (ETP)
    Service provider
    based in Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

    ETP is the Scottish Academic Research Pool in energy, an autonomous alliance of 13 independent Scottish HEIs, each with areas of outstanding research capability in the energy sector. ETP’s vision is to build on the existing areas of excellence and ...

  • Secom S.R.L.
    based in Sesto San Giovanni, ITALY

    Founded in 1975, SECOM is a leading company in the distribution market for power electronics components and devices. Over the years the company has become an important player active in the field of design and production of equipment for the static ...

    Inverter for Industrial Applications and Plants

    Inverter for Industrial Applications and Plants

    SECOM has developed its own family of modular Inverter for industrial electronics: SECOMDRIVE. SECOMDRIVE is an innovative solution for all AC applications for automation or renewable energy lines in which high-power asynchronous ...

  • Solarflux Energy Technologies, Inc.
    based in Reading, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Solarflux was founded in 2019 by a team dedicated to developing innovative technologies to help sustainably meet the growing energy demands of modern human civilization. The Solarflux team believes that parabolic dish concentrators offer unique ...

    Solarflux - Model FOCUS - Parabolic Dish Concentrator

    Solarflux - Model FOCUS - Parabolic Dish Concentrator

    The FOCUS is a concentrated solar power (CSP) solution which uses a patented parabolic dish concentrator design to provide clean, low-cost thermal energy. Utilizes a unique optical design that permits axial and radial control of the ...

  • EuroSMC S.A.
    based in Madrid, SPAIN

    We are a leading company that designs, manufactures and market a range of electronic products and solutions for electrical testing, tests and measurement equipment related to the commissioning and maintenance in substations, power plants and energy ...

    based in Angleur, BELGIUM

    Mitis is a high-tech start-up developing unique, flameless combustion microturbines for energy conversion. The microturbine is disruptive due to the flameless nature of the combustion – it produces incredibly low emissions, while offering industry ...

  • Jeumont Electric
    based in Etupes, FRANCE

    Jeumont Electric is a high-tech company specializing in high-power electric machines and auxiliary equipment. The company was founded in 1898. Today, we draw on our decades of experience and the know-how of our highly-qualified employees to continue ...

  • Peccell Technologies, Inc.
    based in Kawasaki, JAPAN

    Peccell Technologies, Inc. specializes in advanced solar energy solutions, particularly focusing on innovative solar simulators, dye-sensitized solar cells, and perovskite solar cells. Their flagship products include the PEC-L15 Desktop Large Area ...

    based in Quimper, FRANCE

    Founded in 1983 in Annecy, CRISTEC (standing for CReation, Innovation Scientifique et TEChnique, or Scientific and Technical Innovation and Creation) specializes in energy conversion. The company is now based in Quimper in Brittany. CRISTEC belongs ...

  • Ocean Wave Energy Company (OWECO)
    based in Portsmouth, RHODE ISLAND (USA)

    Walk ten cents one mile, down the wooded hill path, and return with paper bag containing nine penny candies or four and a nickel chocolate bar. 1960’s youngster scruples forbade throwing down even a single 'Atomic Fireball” wrapper. The shiny ...

    OWECO - Ocean Wave Energy Converter Modules

    OWECO - Ocean Wave Energy Converter Modules

    OWECO Ocean Wave Energy Company mission is carbon combustion and nuclear processing reduction, hydrogen/oxygen cycling, and water climate management through utility-scale wave energy conversion to ...

  • Nawa Technologies
    based in Rousset Cedex, FRANCE

    Our vision is to develop technologies that enable highly efficient energy transition, And the key to this is our Ultra Fast Carbon Battery Technology. At NAWATechnologies, we are developing new solutions that improve energy conversion, storage, ...

  • International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
    Event organizer
    based in Lausanne, SWITZERLAND

    The International Society of Electrochemistry was founded in 1949 by leading European and American Electrochemists to serve the growing needs of electrochemistry in becoming a modern scientific discipline. At that time only a handful of experts were ...

  • Vortex Bladeless SL
    based in Madrid, SPAIN

    Bladeless Wind Power. Vortex Bladeless is a tech startup. We are developing an environmentally friendly aerogenerator which needs no blades. It is a new wind energy technology specially designed for on-site generation in residential areas, being ...

    Vortex - Vibration Resonant Wind Generator

    Vortex - Vibration Resonant Wind Generator

    Vortex Bladeless is a vortex induced vibration resonant wind generator. It harnesses wind energy from a phenomenon of vorticity called Vortex Shedding. Basically, bladeless technology consists of a cylinder fixed ...


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