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Energy Efficiency Management Suppliers For Horticulture

3 companies found
  • Philips Lighting B.V. - Horticulture
    based in Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS

    Solid-state LED lighting offers a number of benefits to the horticulture industry, including increased yields, earlier flowering, faster root growth/ germination, better control of plant growth, and more economical use of space. LED lighting is ...

  • VB Greenhouses B.V.
    based in Naaldwijk, NETHERLANDS

    VB Greenhouses is known for being a versatile designer and reliable builder of complete greenhouses for horticultural use. Our goal is to contribute to a successful development of horticultural industries worldwide. As a company situated in world’s ...

  • HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.
    based in Watford, UNITED KINGDOM

    Founded in 1981, the HRS Group operates at the forefront of thermal technology, offering innovative and effective heat transfer products worldwide with a strong focus on managing energy efficiently. For 40 years, HRS products and systems have been ...

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