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Energy Event Suppliers & Manufacturers

29 companies found
  • Siyenza Management
    Event organizer
    based in Bryanston, SOUTH AFRICA

    Siyenza is a boutique events, marketing and public relations house, skilled with decades of experience in the fields of brand architecture, communication, event management, marketing and publishing. Siyenza is an empowered company and we are ...

  • Euromoney Seminars Ltd.
    Event organizer
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Euromoney Seminars hosts global events for leading insight and intelligence brand IJGlobal. Renowned for the seniority of our audiences and quality of our debates, Euromoney Seminars offer the perfect mix of market insight and networking. IJGlobal ...



    The exhibition area becomes a very busy networking area during registration, lunch and coffee breaks.The ideal way to be at the centre of the event is to take an exhibition stand at a Euromoney Energy ...

  • Leader Associates Limited
    Event organizer
    based in Shanghai, CHINA

    Leader Associates is a global leading renewable energy event organizer, which provides with clients premium solutions in the fields of professional event organization and customized business services. We are dedicated to build relationships, bring ...

  • Wind Energy Update -  Reuters Events
    Event organizer
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Wind Energy Update is a central information and networking platform for the Global wind industry. We help business leaders interact, share cutting edge information and broker major contracts. Working closely with our community, our mission is to ...

  • Energyforum Competence AB
    Event organizer
    based in Lidingö, SWEDEN

    Energyforum is one of the leading organisers of conferences and training courses on the European energy market. Energyforum was founded in 1992 forming a part of Japro Energy initially producing yearly Japro-days, the leading energy trading summit ...

  • WIP - Renewable Energies
    Service provider
    based in München, GERMANY

    WIP, founded in 1968, plans, develops, realises and monitors systems and installations in the field of renewable energy technologies and environmental engineering. The first 15 PV Pilot Plants in EU countries have been developed and set-up in the ...

  • American Solar Energy Society (ASES)
    Professional association
    based in Boulder, COLORADO (USA)

    American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that advocates for sustainable living and 100% renewable energy. We share information, events and resources to cultivate community and power progress in the U.S. and beyond. As the U.S. ...

  • Frankfurt Energy Holding GmbH
    based in Eschborn / Frankfurt a. M., GERMANY

    Frankfurt Energy Holding is one of the largest independent solar park operators in Germany. We cover the entire value chain of the solar parks from project developer, general contractor (EPC) to long-term investor and operator (IPP). This unique ...

  • Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Springfield, ILLINOIS (USA)

    The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) is The Voice of the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry in the United States. As a non-profit trade association, we promote the manufacture, design and installation of GeoExchange® systems—the most energy ...

  • Dongguan GoKWh Technology Co., Ltd
    Custom manufacturer
    based in Dongguan, CHINA

    Dongguan GoKWh Technology Co., Ltd. was founded on the belief that we believe battery energy storage systems will radically transform the way we interact with energy. They’ll make solar energy a no-brainer for many more homes and businesses, bring ...

  • National Hydropower Association (NHA)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in

    The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is a nonprofit national association dedicated to promoting the growth of clean, affordable U.S. hydropower. It seeks to secure hydropower’s place as a climate-friendly, renewable and reliable energy source ...

  • WorldFest
    Event organizer
    based in Encino, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    This website exists to showcase the history of WorldFest, which is now called VegFest. We hope our information is accurate and useful to interested attendees. We are supporters of the vegan lifestyle and owe a great amount of gratitude to the vegan ...

  • Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition (LAGCOE)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Lafayette, LOUISIANA (USA)

    LAGCOE is a nonprofit energy industry organization focused on educational programs and a technical exposition & conference. LAGCOE’s vision is to be a robust, sustainable community of energy companies and volunteers that promotes energy education ...

  • Hart Energy
    Publishing company
    based in Houston, TEXAS (USA)

    Since 1973, Hart Energy has been the global energy industry’s comprehensive and omni- channel source for news, data, and analysis. At Hart Energy, our mission is to create, aggregate, organize and analyze timely and targeted information across ...

    Conferences Services

    Conferences Services

    Annually, thousands of industry professionals (producers and service company personnel), financial analysts, investors and government officials attend Hart Energy events. Our upstream venues include the ...

  • Navingo BV
    Event organizer

    We are a contemporary, international media company aimed at the maritime & offshore energy sector. Our international events, websites, newspapers and magazines give Navingo the ability to offer a cross media concept with a reputation which is second ...

  • The Ecologist
    Publishing company
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    The Ecologist an environmental news and analysis website with a focus on ecological, social and economic justice. We publish daily, bringing the latest news, comment, features and reviews to your screens - for free. You will find news about ...

  • Professional association
    based in Canyon City, OR, OREGON (USA)

    The Eastern Oregon Renewable Energies Non-profit presents Solwest Fair the last full weekend of each July. SolWest is an occasion for learning, networking, and supporting all types of renewable energy. This three-day event offers engaging activities ...

  • Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA)
    Professional association
    based in Szczecin, POLAND

    The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1999 (previously known as “VIS VENTI Association for Supporting Wind Energy”). PWEA acts on the basis of the Associations Act. The Association is an ...

  • SolaX Power Europe
    based in Nuneaton, UNITED KINGDOM

    The SolaX vision is to be a world leader in the development, production and distribution of solar inverters. The product range incorporates the very latest in solar innovation thanks to the continued focus on R&D and unceasing commitment to pushing ...

  • Seco-Solar GmbH
    based in Lohfelden, GERMANY

    SECO merged with other companies in Germany to initiate the production and distribution of high-end photovoltaic modules. Through this, SECO can draw on over 7 years of experience to develop a product that not only meets the technical requirements ...

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