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Gasification Plant Suppliers & Manufacturers

39 companies found
  • GLOCK ecotech GmbH
    based in Griffen, AUSTRIA

    GLOCK ecotech wood gasifiers are the result of many years of development and innovation. We present you a way of producing heat and green electricity self-sufficiently using only wood chips. This novel form of energy supply offers every customer ...

    GLOCK - Model GG-CHP 1.7 - Wood Gas Combined Heat and Power Plants

    GLOCK - Model GG-CHP 1.7 - Wood Gas Combined Heat and Power Plants

    The wood gasification plant GG-CHP is ideal for medium and higher power capacity - it is a profitable solution for the regional heat supply. ...

  • H2 4U Pty Ltd.
    based in , AUSTRALIA

    H24U is the preeminent organisation providing a real solution to not only solve the waste issue using our technology but also providing a valuable energy source in the process.Our technology is unique, first in the Australian market, tested and ...

    Green H2 4U - Proven Waste-to-Green Hydrogen Technology

    Green H2 4U - Proven Waste-to-Green Hydrogen Technology

    Green H2 4U Pty Ltd’s intellectual property enables us to build specialist High Temperature Waste Gasification plants that convert over 90% of waste materials into Green Hydrogen, energy and valuable ...

  • TS energy Group Srl/GmbH
    based in Lorenznerstr, ITALY

    The TS energy GROUP aims at providing products and services that contribute to the implementation of climate protection. The group is concerned with the development of facilities producing electricity, heat, cold and fuel so as to be able to supply ...

    TS Energy - Gasification Power Plant

    TS Energy - Gasification Power Plant

    Wood gasification is also suitable for smaller, decentralized energy supply systems. Municipalities as well as commercial and industrial enterprises can therefore ensure their own CO2-neutral energy supply and have a sustainable ...

  • Flex Technologies Limited
    based in Hitchin, UNITED KINGDOM

    Flex Technologies is a solution provider for biomass power, heat and CHP generation. We provide biomass gasifiers, gasification power and CHP plants and fuel for domestic heating, small and large boilers and CHP plants. Flex Technologies supplied ...

    Gasification Power Plants

    Gasification Power Plants

    Flex Technologies offers one of the widest ranges on the market of power, heat and CHP plants running on wood fuel and waste biomass. We also supply models optimised for running on low density agricultural waste including wheat ...

  • Göteborg Energi AB
    Service provider
    based in Goteborg, SWEDEN

    As Western Sweden's leading energy company, we provide our customers with energy services, broadband, district heating, cooling, natural gas and the electricity supply network. We aim to create energy solutions that are sustainable in the long ...

  • Heat Systems
    based in Claremorris, IRELAND

    Heat Systems Europe are renewable energy and thermal processing experts. We are suppliers and manufacturers of thermal processing equipment, including rotary kilns and suppliers of Sondex heat exchangers and boiler solutions. We also stock a range ...

  • LiPRO Energy GmbH & Co. KG
    based in Wardenburg, EGYPT

    LiPRO Energy is a manufacturer and designer of “turnkey solutions” for biomass power plants. We aim to provide the operators with a holistic concept, from project planning to manufacture and full-service operation of the LiPRO CHP plants. Our aim at ...

    LiPRO - Model HKW50 and HKW50+ - Wood-fired Cogeneration Plant (CHP)

    LiPRO - Model HKW50 and HKW50+ - Wood-fired Cogeneration Plant (CHP)

    The LiPRO wood-fired cogeneration plant (CHP) is a biomass CHP plant. An innovative conversion plant, which is powered by renewable energy. The wood cogeneration plant aims to ...

  • SteEnova GmbH
    based in Freising, GERMANY

    SteEnova is a technology oriented company. Our products offer solutions to current and future challenges related to sustainable energy supply. Our technological developments are protected by patents. Our efficient combustion and gasification plants ...

  • Shanghai Haiqi Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.
    based in Shanghai, CHINA

    Haiqi Environmental Protection was established in 1995, a professional waste energy company. Haiqi is a scientific and technological innovation enterprise specializing in the replacement of fossil energy by biomass gas clean energy, and a national ...

  • Biogas & Gases Technologies (BGasTech)
    based in Barcelona, SPAIN

    BGasTech supplies equipment and technology for biogas facilities that including. Biogas cleaning, Biomethane production, odors removal, and pyrolysis and gasification gas purification. Also, we have technologies for landfill leachate treatment. We ...

  • Inerco
    based in Sevilla, SPAIN

    INERCO provides comprehensive solutions that promote sustainable industrial development. This has been our mission since 1984, in the belief provided to us by acquired independence and comprehensive vision, which have positioned us as leaders in ...

    Ciuden - Biomass Gasification Plant

    Ciuden - Biomass Gasification Plant

    In 2009, INERCO developed the EPC for the CIUDEN Biomass Gasification Plant. This plant of 3 MWth and INERCO Technology, is located in the Technology Development Centre of CO2 Capture, in El Bierzo ...

  • EQTEC PLC and Group
    based in Sant Martí, SPAIN

    EQTECs advanced gasification technology as we know it today came into being in 2011 with the commissioning of a 5.9 MWe facility at Mostos, Vinos y Alcoholes (Movialsa) S.A. in Ciudad Real, Spain. The facility, now in continuous operation for over a ...

    Integrated Biomass Gasification Power Plant (IBGPP)

    Integrated Biomass Gasification Power Plant (IBGPP)

    The thermal energy generated in the form of combustion gases, both in the gasifier reactor as well as the IC engines (heat recovery) is used for generation of thermal energy either in the form of hot water, steam, thermal oil, hot water or Organic ...

  • GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. (GP Energy)
    based in Kolkata, INDIA

    GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. (GP Energy) is part of the global revolution to achieve 'Green Energy Generation'. It aspires to reduce expenditures on energy, dependence on conventional fossil fuels and environmental pollution. GP Energy, ...

    GP - Gussing Gasifier Plant

    GP - Gussing Gasifier Plant

    At the heart of the FICFB (Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed) reactor are two interconnected fluidized bed reactors. In one, the gasification reactor, feedstock together with water vapor produces a nearly nitrogen-free, ...

    based in Louvain-La-Neuve, BELGIUM

    Xylergy is a green company, whose goal is to develop and implement the NOTAR cutting-edge technology, identified as one of the 1000 efficient solutions by Solar Impulse Foundation to protect the environment, that turns recycled or natural wood in ...

    Operation and Maintenance Services

    Operation and Maintenance Services

    Xylergy operates and maintains the gasification plants in order to accompany you with the best performance throughout the operation of your ...

  • Positronics India
    based in Kolkata, INDIA

    Positronics India, sends a signal to us of mass less unit Positively charged particles. The name resembles to electron. Electronics but of opposite charge. The company was formed five years back by its founder Mr Shyama Prasad Manna, a Btech Hons ...

    Positronics - Plasma Gasification Plant

    Positronics - Plasma Gasification Plant

    Plasma Gasification is a process for breaking the chemical bonds and destroy any kind of solid or liquid organic waste, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), asbestos and hydrocarbons prior to dumping them in landfills or traditional ...

  • Christof Industries GmbH
    based in Graz, AUSTRIA

    Christof Industries is a partner in the development, construction and upkeep of industrial plants for industry and energy providers across the globe. Thanks to our diverse portfolio of services, we take care of every stage of the life cycle of your ...

    Christof Greentech - Wood Gasification Plants

    Christof Greentech - Wood Gasification Plants

    Christof Industries’ Greentech© technology represents a revolutionary method of producing energy from biomass by means of wood gasification. This three-step thermo-chemical incineration process (pyrolyse, oxidation, ...

  • Xylowatt S.A., A Part of Xylergy
    based in Louvain-La-Neuve, BELGIUM

    Leveraging more than 10 years of experience, Xylowatt has developed the NOTAR cutting-edge technology, which efficiently turns biomass or waste into a clean and cold gas fit for powering a cogeneration engine or for replacing fossil fuels in an ...

    Xylowatt - Biomass Gasification Plant

    Xylowatt - Biomass Gasification Plant

    The first decade of the 21st century saw the rise of biomass gasification technologies. During this period, many start-ups developed projects, but only few succeeded. Xylowatt has reached the industry standard all developers ...

  • Plazarium GmbH
    based in Berlin, GERMANY

    Founded in 2004, the international company PLAZARIUM is a world leader in developing and producing plasma equipment for a variety of applications: such as ecological, power engineering and special high-temperature technological application of ...

    Plazarium - Additional Services

    Plazarium - Additional Services

    PLAZARIUM has several areas for negotiating with its customers and providing theoretical instruction at the manufacturer's facilities for those purchasing industrial plasma systems, plasma pyrolysis plants, plasma hydrocracking ...

  • Suomen Biovoima Oy
    based in Jyväskylä, FINLAND

    We are a customer-oriented Finnish cleantech company for waste treatment and renewable energy. Our areas of expertise include business plans and profitability calculations related to biogas and biodiesel projects and other environmental ...

  • OneH2, Inc.
    based in Longview, NORTH CAROLINA (USA)

    OneH2 has solved the refueling issue. Our solution is mobile and scalable, involves no infrastructure or long-term contracts. With OneH2, you only pay for what you use. We deliver hydrogen fuel that's ready for 'immediate use' - already converted to ...

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