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High Power Density Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.
    based in Denver, COLORADO (USA)

    Advanced Energy has devoted decades to perfecting power for its global customers. We design and manufacture highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement, and control solutions for mission-critical applications and processes. Advanced ...

    Paramount - Model HFi - Integrated Generator and Solid-State Matching RF Power Delivery System

    Paramount - Model HFi - Integrated Generator and Solid-State Matching RF Power Delivery System

    Advanced Energy's Paramount HFi is a 13.56 MHz RF power delivery system with an integrated solid-state matching network capable of operating across a wide variety of impedance zones. The solution offers consistent ...

  • Clarke Energy
    based in Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

    GE Jenbacher - Model Type-4 - Gas Engine

    GE Jenbacher - Model Type-4 - Gas Engine

    Based on the proven design concepts of Type-3 and Type-6, the modern Type-4 engines in the 800-1,500kWe power range are characterised by a high power density and outstanding ...

  • Keysight Technologies
    based in Santa Rosa, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Keysight explores the edges of test and measurement science to enable innovators to create the technologies that define our future. At Keysight, we believe every breakthrough idea starts with a vision. We work with the visionaries who imagine what’s ...

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