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Hydro Plant Suppliers For Pulp & Paper

3 companies found
  • Elgin Separation Solutions
    based in Stafford, TEXAS (USA)

    Founded in 1864 in Elgin, Illinois, Elgin has evolved into a worldwide leader in design, manufacture and service of specialized processing equipment in the Oil & Gas, Mining, Coal, Aggregates, Minerals, Water, and Pipeline Construction Industries. ...

  • Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
    based in Bellevue, WASHINGTON (USA)

    Sequoia Scientific, Inc. began operations in February 1995. The company's main business is to manufacture instrumentation and software for scientific research and environmental monitoring, and carry out academic research. LISSTs are used for ...

  • BU Donau Chemie AG
    based in Vienna, AUSTRIA

    The business unit Chemie produces and sells inorganic base chemicals for the industry. At our three locations Pischelsdorf, Brückl and Landeck we are running chemical production sites for high qualitative products, as the are used in the chemical ...

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