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Hydropower Development Suppliers & Manufacturers

29 companies found
  • WaterPower Canada (WPC)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Ottawa, ONTARIO (CANADA)

    Founded in 1998, WaterPower Canada (WPC) is the national, not-for-profit trade association dedicated to representing the waterpower industry. Its many members span the breadth of the sector and include hydropower producers, manufacturers, ...

  • Rye Development
    based in West Palm Beach, FLORIDA (USA)

    Rye Development was founded with a mission - to develop and commercialize both run-of-river and pumped storage projects that produce clean, renewable, and 24/7 energy. Since then, Rye has successfully secured 23 FERC licenses to develop its ...

  • International Hydropower Association (IHA)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a non-profit membership association. We are the voice of sustainable hydropower. We represent organisations committed to the responsible and sustainable development and operation of hydropower. ...

    Research Services

    Research Services

    We track sector developments and promote cutting-edge research. Monitoring the sector: ‍The International Hydropower Association (IHA) monitors key trends and developments in all regions of the ...

  • Hydropol Project & Management a.s.
    based in Prague 1, CZECH REPUBLIC

    HYDROPOL (est. 1996) is a specialist in design, engineering, construction and operation of small and medium sized hydro power plants. Currently it operates more than 30 schemes throughout Europe and overseas. Hydropol Project & Management was ...

  • FDE Hydro
    based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    FDE Hydro is advancing the North American water infrastructure industry by developing innovative technologies for the next-generation hydro run of the river dams, modular prestress concrete power house facilities, pump storage civil structures, ...

  • British Hydropower Association (BHA)
    Professional association
    based in Ferndown, UNITED KINGDOM

    The British Hydropower Association (BHA) is the professional trade body representing the interests of the UK hydropower industry and its associated stakeholders in the wider community at regional, national and global levels. The BHA is not ...

  • New Energy Systems
    Service provider
    based in Snarøya, NORWAY

    The company's core business areas are technology brokering and project development. The origins of New Energy Systems. At that time the company operated as a power project developer, with main focus on hydro power. Company staff has as such been ...

  • Nautilus LLC
    based in Greenfield, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    Nautilus LLC is a U.S. company based in New England that manufactures small ultra low head to medium head Francis Turbines. Nautilus combines proven turbine designs with modern engineering precision and American manufacturing to generate clean, ...

  • Mine Storage
    based in Stockholm, SWEDEN

    COMMITTED TO A ZERO-CARBON FUTURE. Our experience, combined with customer relationships and partnerships with energy companies, mining companies, equipment suppliers, ensures the qualification, development and operation of grid-scale mine storages ...

  • JLA Hydro Srl
    based in Assesse, BELGIUM

    JLA Hydro sprl is now a leading manufacturer in the micro-hydro sector (Pi<500kW). The adventure began in 1980, when Jean-Luc Willot, one of the founders of JLA & Co sprl, developed a passion for hydraulic energy. Trained as an electro-mechanical ...

    JLA - Training

    JLA - Training

    This program aims to strengthen and develop existing local capacity in the pico-hydropower sector: generating electricity from 1 to ~ 20 kW from a waterfall. The objective of this training is to enable local ...

  • DLZ Corporation
    Engineering service provider
    based in Arlington Heights, ILLINOIS (USA)

    DLZ ranks among the top-consulting firms in the architectural/engineering industry. With offices throughout Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio, DLZ has been protecting our country’s natural resources and improving our nation’s ...

  • Christensen Associates Inc (CAI)
    Consulting firm
    based in San Rafael, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Christensen Associates Inc. (CAI) is a specialty engineering firm serving clients who plan, develop and operate hydropower and water resources facilities. Our clients include Water Agencies, Irrigation Districts, Public Utilities, Electric Utility ...

    Hydropower Development Service

    Hydropower Development Service

    Public interest in sustainable energy has stimulated development of hydropower projects at existing dams and existing water supply infrastructure. Many dam owners are interested in additional revenue to be gained ...

  • Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Reykjavík, ICELAND

    The Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster serves as a collaborative platform for companies and institutions involved in the Icelandic energy sector, covering the entire value chain. Its primary objective is to enhance the competitiveness of its members ...

    Iceland - Windpower Plant

    Iceland - Windpower Plant

    Today, there are several players looking at wind development in various regions of Iceland. Combined with baseload capacity hydropower and geothermal power, it surely would expand the availability of price ...

  • Aqua~Media International Ltd.
    Publishing company
    based in Wallington, UNITED KINGDOM

    The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams is a bi-monthly publication, read in 180 countries, dealing with all technical, environmental, social and economic aspects of hydro plants and multipurpose water resources development projects. It ...

    based in Mansfield, CONNECTICUT (USA)

    NuSTREEM produces modular, standard, digital, continuously optimizing, and easily maintainable hydropower equipment. NuSTREEM’s product is based on technological evolutions that make a significant difference in the performance of a long-accepted ...

    NuCONTAINER - Modular Shipping Container Powerhouse

    NuCONTAINER - Modular Shipping Container Powerhouse

    The NuCONTAINER design takes advantage of industry-standard ISO shipping containers, as well as our standard NuTURBINE, to provide a modular, easily-integrated system intended to minimize installation and hydropower site ...

  • Hydropower International Services, LLC
    Engineering service provider
    based in Mannford, OKLAHOMA (USA)

    Hydropower International Services, LLC provides engineering services, both domestically and internationally. Focuses on mini-and small hydropower development projects in the Americas. Hydropower International Services, Inter-National Consultancy ...

  • Turbulent
    based in Hasselt, BELGIUM

    We develop efficient hydropower plants for rivers and canals with a low height difference. We are a multi-cultural team with two co-founders from Belgium. Jasper has Master degrees in both Finance and Law. Geert is a Master in Electromechanic and ...

    Turbulent - Hydroelectric Turbines for Green, Decentralized Energy

    Turbulent - Hydroelectric Turbines for Green, Decentralized Energy

    We develop cost-effective hydropower plants that can be installed in any river, canal or waterway that has a drop between 1.5 - 5 m. You can generate electricity using an individual turbine or a network of multiple ...

  • Northbrook Energy
    Service provider
    based in Scottsdale, ARIZONA (USA)

    Northbrook Energy is a privately held, independent power producer which owns and operates assets in the renewable, hydroelectric energy market. Northbrook has substantial background and expertise in the sourcing, due diligence, acquisition, ...

  • Obermeyer Hydro, Inc.
    based in Fort Collins, COLORADO (USA)

    Obermeyer Hydro is a leading worldwide provider of hydropower and water-control equipment as well as inflatable rubber structures for industrial applications. Our products include pneumatically-operated spillway gates, rubber dams, drive-over water ...

    Obermeyer Hydro - Hydro Turbines

    Obermeyer Hydro - Hydro Turbines

    Obermeyer Hydro designs and manufactures patented gates and bulkheads that incorporate arrays of compact submersible turbine generator sets. These systems comprise complete hydropower plants that may be installed in existing water ...

  • National Hydropower Association (NHA)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in

    The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is a nonprofit national association dedicated to promoting the growth of clean, affordable U.S. hydropower. It seeks to secure hydropower’s place as a climate-friendly, renewable and reliable energy source ...

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