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Incineration Suppliers & Manufacturers

26 companies found
  • Ennox Biogas Technology GmbH
    based in Hard, AUSTRIA

    Ennox biogas technology is one of the leading companies in the area of biogas treatment, gas storage technology and gas flaring technology. Our modern gas components cover the entire bandwidth of biogas equipment - starting with digester equipment, ...

    Ennox - Landfill Gas Cleaning and Safe Incineration System

    Ennox - Landfill Gas Cleaning and Safe Incineration System

    Every year, millions of tons of household garbage and other refuse are deposited in landfills around the world. Biochemical decomposition processes of organic bonds in these landfills produce up to 150 – 250 m³ of landfill gases per tonne ...

  • ESI Scholer
    based in Cannington, AUSTRALIA

    We have recently re-branded our incinerators ESI Scholer following the partnering in early 2019 between Scholer Industries Pty. Ltd. (Scholer) and Engineering Solutions International Co. Ltd. (ESI). This has resulted in a company structure that ...

    ESI Scholer - Medical & Industrial Incinerators

    ESI Scholer - Medical & Industrial Incinerators

    Multi waste, high-temperature models. Suitable for destroying low & high calorific value waste (General, Medical/Hazardous) Operation: Press Start. Stops on completion. Compact, Well Insulated, Robust Construction, Low Maintenance Type: Pyrolytic, ...

  • Splainex Ecosystems BV
    based in Rijswijk, NETHERLANDS

    Splainex Ecosystems BV. originates from company Splainex which was setup in 1994 near Amsterdam in Flevoland province. We inherit strength, expertise and developed business network of the predessesors. Our professionals possess combination of ...

    Splainex - Pyrolysis Technology and Incineration

    Splainex - Pyrolysis Technology and Incineration

    Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of the waste into gas and solid phases in the absense of the external oxygen supply, i.e NO COMBUSTION OCCURS. Pyrolysis prfocess takes place typically between 450 C and 650 ...

  • Kapa Engineering Srl
    based in Mercallo (VA), ITALY

    Kapa Engineering is a company based in Milan, specializing since 1997 in the construction of innovative machines for waste treatment by using high efficiency incinerators and dryers. From the very beginning our idea was to create and offer products ...

    Hefaistus - Waste Incinerators

    Hefaistus - Waste Incinerators

    In red you can see the specifications as defined by the Legislation and in black the standards followed by HEFAISTUS incinerator system. "Waste should be driven with automatic loading in the incinerator chamber" ...

  • WOIMA Corporation
    based in Vaasa, FINLAND

    WOIMA Corporation is a Finnish supplier of best-in-class waste-to-value products, projects and services worldwide. Our modular and pre-fabricated waste WOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant consists of one to four WOIMAlines, each of which uses 150–200 ...

    WOIMA Corporation - Ecosystem Combines Different Waste-to-value and Energy-from-waste (EfW) Technologies

    WOIMA Corporation - Ecosystem Combines Different Waste-to-value and Energy-from-waste (EfW) Technologies

    Key pieces in the ecosystem are the waste pre-sorting, waste recycling or waste-to-fuel solutions, as well as waste-to-energy solutions, such as biogas production, waste incineration or gasification and ...

  • Gasparini Srl
    based in Brugherio, ITALY

    Gasparini Srl, established in 1986, is a valuable and experienced partner in development and production of filter cartridges and other elements for industrial dedusting applications. Our mission: The best-suited filter element for our customers’ ...

    GEAFILTRI - Model C325 - Synthetic Media

    GEAFILTRI - Model C325 - Synthetic Media

    Synthetic filter media covering EN 779 and EN 1822 classes - customizable height and surface - support parts in galvanized metal, staninless steel or incinerable ...

  • ATK Equipment
    based in Seaham, UNITED KINGDOM

    ATK Equipment specialises in bespoke recycling solutions. Our products range from small vertical balers to bespoke MRF systems. We also offer a waste advice service that encompasses WEEE and Packaging waste regulations. We offer a full range of ...

    Incinerators & Waste System

    Incinerators & Waste System

    Where recycling is not an option waste can be incinerated in a cost effective and clean fashion using the Trashx Incinerator. Furthermore the heat generated can be used to heat factory buildings by simply adding a ...

  • FlowVision A/S
    based in Odense N, DENMARK

    We specialize in the design and supply of state of the art emission abatement systems and consultancy services. Key individuals within the organization have >25 years´ experience in emissions abatement technology design/supply and combustion ...

  • Pingxiang Annareach Technology Co., Ltd.
    based in Pingxiang, CHINA

    As a professional supplier of heat storage media, AnnaReach has committed to serve the development and application of RTO technologies since 2004. we are located in Pingxiang city which is the main industrial ceramic zone in China. Constant ...

    AREACH - Model 43*43 Cells - Cordierite Blocks

    AREACH - Model 43*43 Cells - Cordierite Blocks

    In order to improve the utilization of heat, a filling bodies in ceramic material can be set behind the RTO incinerator to enhance the utilization of waste heat.Cordierite block is applied as heat storage media (Monolith media) in ...

  • Suomen Biovoima Oy
    based in Jyväskylä, FINLAND

    We are a customer-oriented Finnish cleantech company for waste treatment and renewable energy. Our areas of expertise include business plans and profitability calculations related to biogas and biodiesel projects and other environmental ...

  • Credfeld Ltd.
    based in Southampton, UNITED KINGDOM

    Credfeld Ltd evolved as a result of organisational changes within large multi-nationals based in Waterlooville, England, United States of America and Luxembourg. Continuity has been maintained by the retention of key personnel at the original ...

    Credfeld - Oil Flame Monitoring System

    Credfeld - Oil Flame Monitoring System

    For Supervision of all types of Flames in Industrial Multi-Burner Boilers, Process Fired Heaters and ...

  • Emergent Waste Solutions Inc.
    based in Gibsons, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    The Company’s mission is to make available its high-quality and high-efficiency Waste conversion Technology to Government and Industry to help solve the environmental challenges associated with waste disposal. By converting organic waste into ...

  • Enviroware S.r.l.
    Consulting firm
    based in Concorezzo (MB), ITALY

    We are experts in air pollution modeling. We have made hundreds of air dispersion studies worldwide, mainly using the US EPA preferred models AERMOD and CALPUFF, to assess the air quality and odor impact of industrial stacks and fugitive emissions, ...

  • Orion B.V.
    Service provider
    based in Drachten, NETHERLANDS

    Orion is an internationally-operating company specialised in the treatment and handling of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), SF6 gas and other halogenated hazardous materials. The work carried out in our decontamination station consists of various ...

    Oil Service

    Oil Service

    Orion works in cooperation with West European incinerators of hazardous waste which use the best environmental techniques to protect the ...

  • Norsk Biogass AS
    based in Nesbru, NORWAY

    Food Waste Pre-treatment System. Next generation process to convert food waste into valuable biomass for biogas production. Enormous volumes of food waste disappear untapped into landfills and or incineration world wide, causing huge negative impact ...

  • Norton Engineering LLC
    Engineering service provider
    based in Dayton, OHIO (USA)

    Norton Engineering is a consulting engineering firm located in Dayton, Ohio. For over 35 years, we have been known for providing some of the most effective yet simple, and often innovative designs in building and property development, solid waste ...

    Green Energy Solutions

    Green Energy Solutions

    Going Green... it's no longer a concept of the future. Green Energy is in many cases one of the biggest factors in new designs today. Here at Norton Engineering, we try to incorporate green energy concepts in our designs whenever possible ...

  • AirSource Technologies, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Shawnee, KANSAS (USA)

    AirSource Technologies is an emissions testing company based in Kansas City, Kansas. We have been testing air quality in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Iowa for more than 20 years. Our scientists have become well known for their ...

  • Genius5-Instruments GmbH
    based in Kottingbrunn, AUSTRIA

    Genius5-Instruments GmbH is producer of high quality sampling systems. Sampling systems include CO2 for emissions trading, metals, dust and odor. In the future PMCtrace system will become important to differ between fossil/biogenic Co2. In 2020 a ...

    Genius5 - Model C14 - Sampling System

    Genius5 - Model C14 - Sampling System

    The system take a very small gas sample proportional to the velocity in the stack using EN/ISO 13833 standard. Sample size varies from 0,2 to 30 ml/min. The velocity in the stack is measured using the ...

  • Protea Limited
    based in Middlewich, UNITED KINGDOM

    Founded in 1996 in Cheshire, UK Protea’s goal has been the development and introduction of new technologies for the online measurement of gases in industrial and research applications, to help control process and reduce environmental emissions. We ...

  • BoldEco Environment, Inc.
    based in Skillman, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    After years of developing systems for leaders in air pollution control technologies and process control, our team of original and creative thinkers is developing truly innovative ways of implementing traditional technologies dedicated to customer ...

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