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Ion Implanter Distributors

3 companies found
  • Clean Energy Brands LLC
    based in Cheyenne, WYOMING (USA)

    Clean Energy Brands is your source of solar power generation and renewable energy solutions. We offer brand names tools and components for renewable energy industry, turnkey solutions for solar power plants and wind turbines power generators, solar ...

  • Advanced Green Technologies
    based in Fort Lauderdale, FLORIDA (USA)

    Advanced Green Technologies is an innovative renewable energy solutions provider. AGT procures building integrated renewable energy products and works through the value chain to create efficiency and competitiveness, resulting in a lower installed ...

  • Silicon Valley Microelectronics, Inc. (SVM)
    based in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Silicon Valley Microelectronics, Inc. (SVM) is a leading distributor of Silicon Wafers and provider of wafer services for the semiconductor industry. As the world’s largest distributor of silicon wafers and services, SVM maintains an extensive ...

    Wafer Annealing Services

    Wafer Annealing Services

    Wafer Annealing is a high-temperature furnace operation that relieves stress in silicon, activates ion-implanted dopants, reduces structural defects and stress, and reduces interface charge at the silicon-silicon ...


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