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Pelletizing Biomass Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
    based in Mahuva, INDIA

    Shyam Traders was established about 3 years back, by the dynamic Mr. Parth Patel and Late Mr. Mehul Patel. Company has redefined the parameters of the bio coal industry. Today we are the leading manufacturers of the biocoal in Mahuva, Surat. We have ...

    based in Rousse, BULGARIA

    HVAC Engineering VLADIYAN Limited-CREATIVE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING –PROCUREMENT-CONSTRUCTION. Technologies and equipment with use of natural gas and LPG, Gas Infrared Radiant Heating Systems Technologies and equipment based on renewable ...

  • Emergent Waste Solutions Inc.
    based in Gibsons, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    The Company’s mission is to make available its high-quality and high-efficiency Waste conversion Technology to Government and Industry to help solve the environmental challenges associated with waste disposal. By converting organic waste into ...

    Emergent - Biocoal for Biomass Fuel

    Emergent - Biocoal for Biomass Fuel

    Also, unlike wood pellets and other biomass, thermal power plants can use biocoal without significant changes to their plants. The US is the largest market for the global biocoal sector, accounting for 37% of global ...


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