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PEM Fuel Cell Distributors

4 companies found
  • Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH
    based in Stuttgart, GERMANY

    As a global supplier in the area of special purpose machinery, Bosch Manufacturing Solutions offers individual & intelligent assembly and testing solutions, incl. advanced manufacturing processes and technologies, digital & intelligent solutions and ...

    Model PEMFC - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

    Model PEMFC - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

    In the field of mobile fuel cells, we offer scalable assembly solutions with corresponding processes for the production of fuel cell systems in the areas of cell, ...

  • Fuel Cell Store
    based in College Station,, TEXAS (USA)

    The Fuel Cell Store is the ultimate destination for all your fuel cell needs. We offer the widest selection in Gas Diffusion Layers, Gas Diffusion Electrodes, Catalysts and Membranes, as well as the newest products and technologies from renowned ...

    Gas Diffusion Electrodes

    Gas Diffusion Electrodes

    The mostly commonly used catalysts include carbon supported Platinum and Platinum/Ruthenium for the best catalyst dispersion and utilization for PEM Fuel Cells. Electrodes for a ...

  • HiBlow USA
    based in Saline, MICHIGAN (USA)

    Hiblow USA, Inc. offers a full range of linear diaphragm compressors and vacuum pumps that provide solutions to a broad range of requirements in Medical, Industrial, Environmental and Consumer applications. Hiblow also offers a line of pumps for use ...

  • Fujian Fuan Mindong Yanan Electrical Co., Ltd.
    based in Ningde City, CHINA

    Fujian Yanan Power Group, founded in 1993, has the registered capital of 117,080,000 Yuan. It has four wholly-owned holding subsidiaries, i.e. Fujian Fuan Eastern Min Yanan Motor Co., Ltd., Fujian Yanan Motor Co., Ltd., Xiamen Yanan Motor Co., Ltd. ...

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