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Petrochemical Heat Exchanger Suppliers & Manufacturers

2 companies found
  • MDB Srl
    based in Fossacesia, ITALY

    MDB Srl was founded in 1977 by Mario Di Biase in Abruzzo, Italy. MDB’s vision is to manufacture safe mechanical solutions with Italian ingenuity and design excellence. The daily mission is to enable our global customers to use innovative machines to ...

    MDB - Model MD-040 - Tube Bundle Transporter

    MDB - Model MD-040 - Tube Bundle Transporter

    The transportation unit model MD-040 is used to transport heat exchanger tube bundles in petrochemical plants. It is especially used o hoist and position the tube bundles from and onto the MDB ...

  • Ovivo -  a subsidiary of SKion Water
    based in Salt Lake City, UTAH (USA)

    Ovivo is a powerful global brand that incorporates several world-renowned trademarks that represent expertise, innovation and customer service. Our global operations employ more than 1,300 water treatment experts around the world. Ovivo is dedicated ...

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