Pyrolysis Consulting Firms
Consulting firmbased in Meinerzhagen, GERMANY
DGE provides a lot of experiences in design, manufacturing and operating of rotary kiln pyrolysis plants. Our rotary kiln pyrolysis plants are as (wild) pigs are omnivores and gives a lot of solutions for simultaneous disposal of hazardous waste and ...
MIDI Thermolysis Plant Service
The MIDI-plant is a DGE development due to the experience of 15 years pyrolysis technology. Input from 5,000 tpy (MIDI-single) to 20,000 tpy (MIDI-Quad). Due to EU/German environmetal and safety regulation. Semi mobile design; ...
Consulting firmbased in Kilkenny, IRELAND
WEW Engineering Ltd – Water, Energy, Wastewater is a specialist Consulting Engineering design and management firm focused on sustainable, energy-efficient water and wastewater treatment, including waste-to-energy projects, both industrial and ...
Waste to Energy
Existing Technologies include: Thermal (direct Incineration) Mechanical & Thermal (Pulverisation and Drying for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Thermo – Chemic (Gasification, Pyrolysis, etc) Biochemical (Fermentation and Anaerobic ...
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