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Smart Grid Suppliers For Mining

3 companies found
  • Turtle Turbines (P) Ltd.
    based in Pune, INDIA

    Turtle Turbines is a Steam Turbine Manufacturer in India Serving 18 Industry Segments in More Than 10 Countries Since 20 Years. 20 years ago an idea was born and a question was asked, how to generate Green Power that is commercially viable? Since ...

  • ETAP
    based in Irvine, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    ETAP leads the market with design, operation and automation solutions for electrical power systems. Providing unparalleled innovation, quality assurance & customer service, ETAP empowers engineers and operators with the most comprehensive and ...

  • CETS Technologies, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Athens, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    CETS Technologies Inc., a systems integrator and industrial engineering company based in the US. The company is a leader in the architectural design, development, engineering and deployment of renewable energy and waste solutions for municipalities. ...

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