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Smart Meter Gateway Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • EMH Metering GmbH & Co. KG
    based in Gallin, GERMANY

    EMH metering is one of the world’s leading providers of digital systems for the acquisition, transmission, storage and distribution of energy measurement data. With intelligent and coordinated measuring systems, EMH metering enables energy companies ...

    EMH - Model CASA - Smart Energy Meter Gateway

    EMH - Model CASA - Smart Energy Meter Gateway

    Our Smart Meter Gateway CASA (Communication Access Security Administrator) builds the center of the new intelligent measuring system. As a control unit for connected measuring devices it becomes ...

  • EFR GmbH
    based in München, GERMANY

    EFR is a system provider active in the field of energy management in Germany and large parts of central Europe. The company, with headquarters in Munich and locations Wutha-Farnroda (Thuringia), Berlin and Aachen was established in 1993 and is a ...

  • WM Systems LLC
    based in Budapest, HUNGARY

    WM Systems is a renowned IoT, IIoT / M2M developer based in Hungary, Europe, with offices in Romania and Slovakia. We design, develop, and manufacture high-quality IoT communication devices and solutions. With 20 years of experience in connectivity, ...

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