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Solar Cell Suppliers For Environmental

13 companies found
  • Targray
    based in Kirkland, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Targray is a global marketer and distributor of physical commodities and advanced materials for a range of niche markets. Since being established in 1989 in Montreal, Canada, our company has grown to become a major international supplier of ...

  • Danish Solar Energy Ltd. (DSE)
    based in Holeby, DENMARK

    Colored solar roof tiles and colored solar facades are the future in solar energy, houses and buildings will produce in future It's own energy. Aesthetics will take more relevance, keeping energy efficiency was the biggest challenge by coloring ...

  • Power Panel , Inc.
    based in Oxford, MICHIGAN (USA)

    Power PanelTM is a leading innovator in turnkey solar technology solutions that can scale easily and deploy quickly to meet your energy production needs. Our hybrid solar-thermal technology is four times as powerful as traditional solar ...

  • IPTE
    Engineering service provider
    based in Genk, BELGIUM

    IPTE's basic philosophy has always been to support our industrial customers on site wherever they are producing. We offer flexible network of engineering and production entities in the main industrial areas, organized around our major ...

  • Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.
    based in Thornton, COLORADO (USA)

    Ascent Solar was formed in 2005, to commercialize leading-edge CIGS photovoltaic technology on flexible, plastic substrate. Ascent’s unique monolithic integration process enables the highest level of efficiency, durability & weight savings ...

  • Advanced Green Technologies
    based in Fort Lauderdale, FLORIDA (USA)

    Advanced Green Technologies is an innovative renewable energy solutions provider. AGT procures building integrated renewable energy products and works through the value chain to create efficiency and competitiveness, resulting in a lower installed ...

  • Simultech Australia Pty Ltd
    Service provider
    based in Lilydale, AUSTRALIA

    A leading supplier of environmental simulation and measurement equipment for more than 16 years, Simultech is the number one choice for industry and research sectors across Australia and New Zealand. They are proud to be suppliers of Weiss Technik, ...

  • Photon Etc.
    based in Montreal, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Photon etc. provides scientific imaging solutions for a vast array of applications. From solar cells to live cells, our fast and integrated hyperspectral imaging systems provide solutions to industrials challenges, and give researchers access to the ...

  • Elmia AB
    Event organizer
    based in JÖNKÖPING, SWEDEN

    At the Elmia venue - trade shows, events and meetings provide visitors, exhibitors and meeting organizers with qualitative networking possibilities and unforgettable experiences. World leading innovations, business development have evolved at Elmia ...

  • MTN Met Instruments Pvt ltd
    based in Greater Noida West, INDIA

    MTN Met instruments provides the complete turnkey solution to the customer in the field of Weather,Hydro,Solar and Environmental projects including site selections,supply of equipment, installation, operation, training and maintenance services. MTN ...

  • Ammonit Measurement GmbH
    based in Berlin, GERMANY

    In 1989 Ammonit has been founded in Berlin Kreuzberg - just a couple of days before the Berlin wall came down. Our measurement systems are designed to calculate energy yield forecasts, to monitor wind and solar power plants and to analyze power ...

  • RainWise Inc.
    based in Boothwyn, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    RainWise has led the industry on the advancement of weather monitoring technology from the development of our original product, the Remote Reading Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge, to the invention of the first digital weather station. Our technology ...

  • Machinefabriek van de Weert b.v.
    based in Helmond, NETHERLANDS

    Machinefabriek van de Weert Helmond b.v. is a company specialized in building special machinery for different kinds of industries. We take care from idea to implementation at the customer. With its own engineering department we are able to respond ...

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