Vaporizer Suppliers & Manufacturers
Specac is a global spectroscopy accessory and sample preparation business with decades of experience in designing state-of-the-art solutions for molecular and atomic spectroscopies, including FTIR, NIR, UV-Vis, XRF, and Raman. Applications of ...
Bionomic Industries’ website where you will be able to identify and select the right products for your application from a complete line of wet and dry scrubbers, adsorbers, dry collectors, electrostatic devices, mist eliminator vessels, NOx control ...
Spectro Scientific, an ISO 9001:2015 company, specializes in analytical tools and software for machine condition monitoring. The company is one of the largest suppliers of oil, fuel and fluid analysis instruments to industry and the military ...
SpectroSci - Model FDM 6000 - Portable Fuel Dilution Meter
The FDM 6000 uses a unique patent pending fang design to pierce the cap of a disposable sample vial and draws in the headspace from the vial. The headspace flows over a SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) sensor which reacts specifically to the presence of ...
IMR Environmental Equipment, Inc. has designed and manufactured combustion analyzers for over 35 years serving customers in 100+ countries around the world. All of our products are made in the USA. We are one of the leading manufacturers worldwide ...
For over three decades, F&J SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, INC. has been leading the field in the design and manufacture of high performance advanced technology digital airflow calibration and air sampling systems utilized in the nuclear power industry. ...
P S Analytical is a leading company in the manufacture and supply of instrumentation for the analysis of Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Selenium (Se), Antimony (Sb), Bismuth (Bi) and Tellurium (Te) in all matrices. Systems generally utilize Atomic ...
PSA - Model Millennium Merlin 10.045 - Cold Vapor AAS System
The 10.045 Millennium Merlin Cold Vapor AAS System was developed to be compliant with EPA Cold Vapor methods stipulating the use of atomic absorption for the determination of mercury at low levels. The system is ...
Environics Inc. is a world leader in computerized gas flow instrumentation for gas mixers, gas dilution and calibration systems. Our headquarters for design, manufacturing, sales and service is located in a modern 11,000 square foot facility in ...
Chromatotec group develops, manufactures and sells scientific instrumentation since 1986. Exclusively designed and produced in France, our instruments are intended for the environmental, industrial and petrochemical markets : they are used for the ...
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)based in , UNITED KINGDOM
The Vapor Pin® sampling device is a unique, patented, re-usable high-quality, reliable, sampling device and has a variety of applications. Following its introduction in 2011, the Vapor Pin® sampling device has become the worldwide standard in Vapor ...
Vapor Pin Kit
10 VAPOR PIN® sampling devices (Stainless Steel); 20 VAPOR PIN® Sleeves; 20 VAPOR PIN® Caps; 10 Plastic Flush Mount Covers; 1 Installation/Extraction Tool; 1 Bottle Brush; 1 Water Dam ...
Service providerbased in The Woodlands, TEXAS (USA)
NanoVapor Fuels Group is an emerging leader in air quality solutions for a broad range of challenges facing the oil & gas industry. With it's non-destructive technologies, NanoVapor is positioned to help solve many of these emissions problems ...
Vapor Absorption System (VAS)
Our Vapor Absorption System (VAS) is a patented non-destructive system that is a safe and more cost effective organic vapor control in a closed tank, combined with simple and easy adsorbent regeneration and recovery ...
Manufacturerbased in Brownsville, TEXAS (USA)
FAV Systems Corp. is a young company formed by people who have been in the oil and gas industry for over 30 years, making us true connoisseurs of the needs of our customers, especially in extreme climates like Canada. Our products are manufactured ...
FAV Systems - Model ESD - Knockout Drums Combination Tanks
FAV Systems Inc. Has designed and tested the FAV Systems ESD Knockout Drum Combination to prevent the flooding of flare stacks and tanks, which costs many dollars to clean up, and may cause environmental mishaps, grass or crop ...
Manufacturerbased in London, UNITED KINGDOM
For 30 years, Surface Measurement Systems has been the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of advanced gravimetric sorption analyzers for the physicochemical characterization of solids. Our story began in 1991 when Prof. Daryl Williams ...
SMS - Model Advantage Series - Dynamic Vapor Sorption
The DVS Advantage uses dry air or dry nitrogen as carrier gas. The user can select one of any two vapor sources, originating from liquid organic solvents or water held at the same temperature as the DVS. When the dry carrier gas ...
Manufacturerbased in Miami, FLORIDA (USA)
Geoplast was born from an intuition of its founder, who believed that MODULO, the formwork for ventilated foundations, was one of the most important innovations in the building industry. Today the Italian Company is a leading industrial group in the ...
Manufacturerbased in Shoreview, MINNESOTA (USA)
MSP Corporation is an instrument and equipment company that creates products for scientific research and industrial applications. We are known world-wide for our expertise in micro- and nanoparticles and their creative use in research and ...
MSP - Model 2800PE - Turbo Vaporizers Use of a Precision Piezo-Valve
MSP offers several high performance vaporizers, which are referred to as performance-enhanced vaporizers, or PE vaporizers. The available models include the model 2800PE, 2820PE, 2830PE and 2840PE. ...
Distributorbased in Littleton, COLORADO (USA)
Mercury Instruments USA provides quality instrumentation for mercury analysis and monitoring. If you need to detect mercury in air/gas, water or solid samples, we can provide you with the right ...
Mercury - Model VM-3000 - Vapor Detector
The VM-3000 Mercury Vapor Monitor measures the elemental mercury vapor concentration in air and other gases continuously. It is used in the laboratory or can be installed at places where mercury has to be monitored. ...
Manufacturerbased in Lawrence, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)
Daimer Industries is a private company headquartered in Woburn, MA, USA. We are a globally recognized leader in innovative, technologically advanced commercial and industrial cleaning equipment for virtually all of major commercial and industrial ...
Manufacturerbased in Roseville, MINNESOTA (USA)
Custom groundwater treatment equipment for the environmental, petroleum and construction industry. Founded in 1983, Carbonair has over 30 years experience providing groundwater treatment equipment rentals, sales, and services to the environmental, ...
Carbonair - Model GPC 28R - Vapor Phase Carbon Vessel
28 sq ft Filtration Surface Area. Nominal Air Flow Rate 2000 CFM. 7' Vessel Height. 5' Vessel Diameter. 2,000 lb GAC capacity. Skid Mounted with Forklift Guides. Corrosion Resistant Epoxy Internal ...
Manufacturerbased in Livermore, CALIFORNIA (USA)
Assay Technology maintains a long-held position as the technology leader for personal monitoring of chemicals in the workplace. Assay Technology had its origin in 1981 in a small garage lab in Silicon Valley where some of us pondered how to monitor ...
AssayTech - Model 546 - High Capacity Organic Vapor Badge
Assay Technology’s 546 High Capacity Organic Vapor Badge is excellent for all day monitoring of Organic Vapors that have high PELs (greater than 200 ppm). The 19 hole sampling face greatly reduces the ...
Manufacturerbased in Dalian, CHINA
Dalian Petroleum Instrument Co., Ltd. - China Petroleum Instrument professional manufacturer and supplier. As professional manufacturer, Dalian Petroleum Instrument Co. Ltd learns constantly from international famous instrument manufacturer valuable ...
Manufacturerbased in Middleboro, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)
Brookfield is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer and the world leader in viscosity, texture analysis, and powder flow instrumentation. For over 85 years, Brookfield products have been considered ideal for testing viscosity, texture, powder ...
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