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Waste Gas Flaring Suppliers & Manufacturers

5 companies found
  • Shand & Jurs (L&J Technologies & L&J Engineering)
    based in Hillside, ILLINOIS (USA)

    For over 90 years, the Shand & Jurs Biogas product line has provided equipment that handles biogas, like methane, which is generated from fermentation processes such as Anaerobic Digestion. Biogas is produced form the biological breakdown of ...

    Shand & Jurs Biogas - Model 97200 - Flame Checks

    Shand & Jurs Biogas - Model 97200 - Flame Checks

    The Shand & Jurs Biogas 97200 Flame Check provides an in-line barrier against flame flashback in small gas lines. They are typically installed in pilot lines supplying fuel burning devices used in flares and ...

  • Smitsvonk Holland B.V. - a member of the Durag Group
    based in Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS

    Since 1947 Smitsvonk has been making low-tension high-energy ignition and control systems for industrial combustion processes. These electrical and electronic ignition systems are applied world-wide. They are characterized by a high degree of ...

    Smitsvonk - Pilot Burner

    Smitsvonk - Pilot Burner

    Ignition of waste gas from pipe flares, air and steam assisted flares and ground flares For most flare systems the pilot burner can not be accessed ...

  • Organics Group plc
    Custom manufacturer
    based in Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM

    Organics designs, builds, installs and commissions high quality pollution control systems for a range of differing waste streams. Particular strengths lie within the field of landfill engineering. The company also supplies one-off, purpose-built ...

  • Filtervac International Inc.
    based in Breslau, ONTARIO (CANADA)

    Filtervac International Inc. is a leading designer and pioneer North American Manufacturer of liquid and air filtration, with special emphasis on providing quality oil purification systems for a wide variety of oils and applications. Transformer Oil ...

    Filtervac - Flare Blower Skid

    Filtervac - Flare Blower Skid

    Meet the exacting standards of the latest Environmental code with a Canadian designed and manufactured Thermal Oxidation Waste gas flares by Canada’s leader in municipal gas ...

  • ProServe Egypt
    based in Alexandria, EGYPT

    Proserve is established to meet the market needs of high standards of engineered services and products that improve equipment efficiency and reliability and reduce operating costs. Proserve is serving and extending its specialties to oil & gas ...

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