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Showing results for: Waste Heat Recovery Suppliers & Manufacturers

96 companies found
  • Bionomic Industries Inc
    based in Mahwah, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    Bionomic Industries’ website where you will be able to identify and select the right products for your application from a complete line of wet and dry scrubbers, adsorbers, dry collectors, electrostatic devices, mist eliminator vessels, NOx control ...

  • Inciner8 Limited
    based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM

    One of the largest suppliers of incinerators globally. Providing award-winning waste solutions across the Medical, Animal and Municipal sectors. Our standard incinerators range from 10kg/hr - 1,000kg/hr capacity. We also offer a bespoke design ...

    Inciner8 - Heat Exchangers System

    Inciner8 - Heat Exchangers System

    Get something back from your waste with our innovative range of heat exchange modules. Inciner8 have found the optimal way to convert energy from waste and make it usable whether you need it for ...

  • Dutch Incinerators BV (DI)
    based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS

    Dutch Incinerators (DI) is an EPC contractor based in the Netherlands with more than 35 years of technical background and practical on-site experience in the hazardous waste thermal treatment industry. The company undertakes to design and deliver ...

    Dutch Incinerators - Stationary Rotary Kiln Incinerator

    Dutch Incinerators - Stationary Rotary Kiln Incinerator

    Direct fired rotary kiln incineration technology has been proven to be the best available high temperature thermal treatment technique for small and medium scale hazardous waste disposal ...

  • G.C. Broach Company
    based in Tulsa, OKLAHOMA (USA)

    The G.C. Broach Company has been in business since 1960. With over 60 years in business, we have manufactured, designed, engineered, fabricated, and supplied over 1,343 Process Heaters, 151 Steam Generators, 222 Waste Heat Recovery Units, 55 Air ...

    Broach - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Broach - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Waste Heat Recovery Boilers are also referred to as HRSG’s, Waste Heat Boilers, Heat Recovery Boilers, ...

  • Air Industrie Thermique España, S.L. (AITESA)
    based in Madrid, SPAIN

    AITESA, with over 30 years of experience, high efficiency products, top innovations within the Engineering sector and an excellent customer service, is the best warranty to develop satisfactory solutions for your company including projects and ...

    AITESA - Heat Recovery / Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)

    AITESA - Heat Recovery / Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)

    Recover waste heat from the WHRB exhaust gas steam and Fired Heaters. The three heat transfer mechanisms are: conduction, convection and radiation. Recover residual heat from a hot ...

  • Clyde Bergemann Power Group
    based in Wesel, GERMANY

    The Clyde Bergemann Power Group is a global enterprise, providing innovative products and services for energy related industries. 'Clean Energy Solutions' describes a powerful portfolio of products and systems for improved boiler efficiency, ...

    Offshore Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU)

    Offshore Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU)

    Clyde Bergemann Australia is a leading supplier of WHRU’s in the floating production market around the world. It has built a reputation as experienced thermal engineers in the field of heat recovery. Steel ...

  • ElectraTherm by Bitzer Group
    based in Flowery Branch, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    ElectraTherm by BITZER Group provides sustainable, waste heat recovery solutions utilizing an Organic Rankine Cycle along with proprietary technologies to convert sources of low-temperature heat (as low as 70°C) into clean electricity. ...

    ElectraTherm - Model Power+ Generator 6500 Series - 150 kW, Low Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)

    ElectraTherm - Model Power+ Generator 6500 Series - 150 kW, Low Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)

    This low temperature, waste heat recovery unit is ideal for heat sources above 70C. A simple and robust design along with proprietary technologies give the ElectraTherm ORC system ...

  • Aningas-Ergos S.A.
    based in Barcelona, SPAIN

    ERGOS S.A. was established in 1983 , with the main activity being engineering and manufacturing of equipment, mainly waste heat recovery steam boilers. From that time, ERGOS S.A. has pioneered cogeneration boilers. ANINGAS S.A. was established in ...

    Aningas Ergos - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (Cogeneration)

    Aningas Ergos - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (Cogeneration)

    The design and construction is determined case to case depending on the composition and origin of the flue gas (gas turbine, gas engine, liquid fuel engine, combustion chamber, biomass boiler ...), gas flow and ...

  • Kinetic Traction Systems
    based in Chatsworth, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Founded in 2010, Kinetic Traction Systems, Inc. (KTSi) designs, develops and manufactures clean technology products for energy storage, power regeneration, waste heat recovery and turbo aeration applications. Product development is based on ...

    Waste Heat Recovery Generator

    Waste Heat Recovery Generator

    The Challenge: Many industrial processes consume enormous amounts of energy and are directly responsible for significant amounts of all CO2 emissions globally. Additionally, nearly half of all industrial processing energy consumption is released as ...

  • Climeon AB
    based in Stockholm, SWEDEN

    Climeon is a Swedish product company operating within the energy technology sector. Our ORC waste heat recovery technology, the Climeon HeatPower system, converts low-temperature heat into clean, carbon-free electricity. HeatPower 300 is the latest ...

    Climeon HeatPower - Automated Clean Electricity and Control System

    Climeon HeatPower - Automated Clean Electricity and Control System

    Creating a Sustainable Future With Waste Heat Recovery. Convert Waste Heat Into Clean, Carbon-Free Electricity With Climeon HeatPower ...

  • ICI Caldaie S.p.A
    based in Frazione Campagnola di Zevio, ITALY

    Specialists in the design and production of complete high-tech thermal systems. Our long experience has allowed us to create highly qualified services that can meet any need related to the management, monitoring and maintenance of energy systems ...

    ICI-Caldaie - Model WH - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    ICI-Caldaie - Model WH - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    The waste-heat boilers of the WH range recover energy from hot flue gases as heat source without any supplementary combustion. These boilers are of the monobloc type, with fully automatic operation ...

  • Danstoker A/S
    based in Herning, DENMARK

    Since the outset in 1935, Danstoker has developed into a company whose name is synonymous with high-performance boilers for the international energy sector. Domiciled in Denmark – a country renowned for its far-sighted energy policy – Danstoker’s ...

  • Exergy International Srl
    Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
    based in Olgiate Olona, ITALY

    EXERGY is a global provider of clean energy technologies and leader in engineering and manufacturing of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems with the pioneering Radial Outflow Turbine technology. EXERGY’s proprietary technologies, covered by several ...

    Exergy - Model EP ERS - Waste Heat Recovery Power Units

    Exergy - Model EP ERS - Waste Heat Recovery Power Units

    High-temperature waste heat can become a renewable source of energy. The non-flammable working fluid makes Exergy EP products perfect for any industrial application from 500 to 2000 kWe and the Enhanced ...

  • TransPacific Energy (TPE)
    Custom manufacturer
    based in Henderson, NEVADA (USA)

    TransPacific Energy (TPE) is a high-tech corporation that designs, builds, owns, operates, sells and installs proprietary, modular Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) utilizing multiple environmentally sound and low GWP refrigerant mixtures. TPE uses ...

    TransPacific - Waste Heat Recovery ORC Units

    TransPacific - Waste Heat Recovery ORC Units

    TransPacific Energy (TPE) is a high-tech corporation that designs, builds, owns, operates, sells and installs proprietary, modular Organic Rankine Cycle (“ORC”) utilizing multiple refrigerant mixtures to maximize heat ...

  • Rakhoh Industries Pvt. Ltd.
    based in Pune, INDIA

    Rakhoh Boilers is one of the leading manufacturers of Industrial Steam Boilers, Thermic Oil Heaters, Waste Heat Recovery Boilers, Industrial Hot Water Generators, etc. We offer services to Food Processing Units, Textile, Paper, Chemical, Pharma, ...

    Rakhoh - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Rakhoh - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Waste Heat Recovery Boiler processes gas turbine and biogas gensets exhaust. It is customized in both smoke tube and water tube type construction with a compact design. It offers higher efficiency ...

  • Selnikel
    based in Sincan, TURKEY

    Selnikel was founded in 1955 in Ankara and still continues its activities as the Turkey's oldest industrial boiler, industrial fan and burner manufacturer in energy, heat and air technologies. With its production in international norms, expertise ...

    Selnikel - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    Selnikel - Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    Selnikel provides complete design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning services for the water tube and smoke tube type waste heat recovery boilers. Waste heat ...

  • Zhengzhou Boiler Co., Ltd. (ZBG)
    based in Zhengzhou, CHINA

    Zhengzhou Boiler Co., Ltd. (which formerly known as Zhengzhou Boiler Factory), founded in 1945, is a joint-stock enterprise with A1, A2, C3 boiler and pressure vessel designing and manufacturing license. 70 years' experience in boiler and pressure ...

    Sinter Cooler Waste Heat Boiler

    Sinter Cooler Waste Heat Boiler

    Applications: Sinter cooler waste heat boilers make use of waste heat produced in steel industry sintering and cooling process to generate power. The sintering ...

  • Fitzer Incorporation
    based in Ankleshwar, INDIA

    Fitzer Incorporation, is an engage in the field of Design, Manufacturing & Exporting, Aluminium Extruded Finned Tube, Spiral Wound finned tube, Shell Tube Heat Exchangers, Fin Fan Coolers Process Gas Cooler, Air Heater, Air Pre Heaters, Air Cooled ...

    FITZER - Model WHRU - Waste Heat Recovery System

    FITZER - Model WHRU - Waste Heat Recovery System

    WASTE HEAT RECOVERY is a process of recovering ENERGY from waste process outputs. These are custom built equipments or systems designed as per the waste ...

  • Isimek Biomass Boiler Ltd.Sti
    based in Kahramankazan, TURKEY

    ISIMEK was established in 2002 as an engineering and contracting company. Isımek designs and manufactures Biomass fired boilers in accordance with Turkish and European norms in its own facilities. A new factory building has been completed in 2022, ...

    Fire Tube Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    Fire Tube Waste Heat Recovery Boilers

    Appropriate solutions for datas of process and special designs for each projects . Selection of suiitable material and design solutions according to chemical and physical properties of Waste ...

  • ThermTech Limited
    based in Ashton-under-Lyne, UNITED KINGDOM

    ThermTech provide state of the art energy saving solutions to businesses across the UK, Ireland, Europe, the Middle East and North America. Our business is built on innovative thinking, a can-do attitude and a focus on delivering bespoke energy ...

    ThermTech - Waste Heat Recovery Systems

    ThermTech - Waste Heat Recovery Systems

    We achieve this through the design, manufacture and installation of bespoke Heat Recovery Systems. By identifying the source and quality of your waste heat, we will propose a ...


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