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Waste-To-Energy Power Plant Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • Biothermica Technologies Inc.
    based in Montreal, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Founded in 1987, Biothermica is an integrated company focused on three main lines of business: Carbon and Energy Project Development, Landfill gas services, and Air Pollution Control solutions. Biothermica has completed transactions amounting to ...

    Biothermica - Waste-to-Energy Power Plant

    Biothermica - Waste-to-Energy Power Plant

    The Gazmont power plant is located near the Miron quarry in Montreal (Canada), where approximately 36 million tons of municipal solid waste have been buried since 1968. This closed landfill site is ...

  • I.C.E. AG
    Service provider
    based in Wil, SWITZERLAND

    I.C.E. AG employees a team of experts to assist operators of waste incineration plants, waste-to-energy power plants, biomass and sewage sludge incineration plants. They provide in-depth expertise and extensive service offerings for optimization, ...

    Retrofits, Refurbishment, Expansion, Rebuilding

    Retrofits, Refurbishment, Expansion, Rebuilding

    We at I.C.E. AG are fired with enthusiasm when it comes to retrofits, refurbishing, replacing and expanding waste incineration plants, waste-to-energy power ...

  • TerraStar Energy, LLC
    based in Lumberton, NORTH CAROLINA (USA)

    TerraStar Energy is an integrator and developer of waste-to-energy projects. Our international team includes experts in technology, engineering, finance, marketing , construction, legal, insurance and finance. We have the internal capabilities to ...

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