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Wind And Solar Suppliers For Pulp & Paper

3 companies found
  • Clarke Energy
    based in Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

  • Sipag Bisalta S.p.a.
    based in Genova, ITALY

    Sipag Bisalta S.p.a., established in Genoa in 1948, is a major producer of bentonite and chemical products for various markets. Our traditional metal-casting related business has been integrated with other bentonite applications, and complemented ...

  • Sera GmbH
    based in Immenhausen, GERMANY

    The sera Group is a family-owned independent company group headquartered in Immenhausen, at the heart of Germany. Established in 1945, sera has been synonymous with quality, expertise, innovation, reliability, and adaptability. As one of Germany's ...

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