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Wind Energy Suppliers & Manufacturers

423 companies found
  • Koller Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
    based in Celle, GERMANY

    We are a leading European manufacturer of reliable industrial equipment - Made in Germany. Since our foundation in 1912, we have gained over 100 years of experience in reliable engineering solutions that work. Our high reputation and focus on the ...

    Koller - Customized Development Services

    Koller - Customized Development Services

    We provide our offer to any industry where steel construction components are needed: Oil and gas industry, mechanical engineering, food / paper / chemical factories, geothermal energy, wind power plants. ...

  • F&J Specialty Products, Inc.
    based in Ocala, FLORIDA (USA)

    For over three decades, F&J SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, INC. has been leading the field in the design and manufacture of high performance advanced technology digital airflow calibration and air sampling systems utilized in the nuclear power industry. ...

  • Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd.
    based in Qingdao, CHINA

    Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd was founded by a team of professors and experts from Ocean University of China and Hefei Institute of material science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The technical achievements have been successfully ...

  • Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC)
    Software vendor
    based in Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM

    Developers of environmental software including the well known Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System, ADMS. The world leading ADMS-Urban calculates pollution concentrations at street level resolution over urban areas and links seamlessly to ...

    Wind Energy and Airflow Services

    Wind Energy and Airflow Services

    CERC has provided expert services in local flow and turbulence modelling for over 25 years and regularly takes part in UK, EU and international research ...

  • Hydro Wind Energy
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    We are on a journey to create the world’s leading energy company that will provide a substantial contribution to the welfare of humanity. Driven by a grand vision, a moral sense of duty to protect the natural environment, endless curiosity and ...

    Model OceanHydro - Disruptive Power Generation Technology

    Model OceanHydro - Disruptive Power Generation Technology

    OceanHydro is the most disruptive power generation technology of the 21st century. A hybrid energy system that harnesses offshore altitude wind using kites or vertical axis wind rotors combined with ...

  • SD Wind Energy
    based in Ayrshire, UNITED KINGDOM

    SD Wind Energy is a global market leader for small wind turbines and hybrid energy systems.High output small wind turbine Scotland UK manufactured and installed worldwide. From Scotland UK,we design, manufacture and supply small wind turbines across ...

    Wind Turbine Servicing

    Wind Turbine Servicing

    SD Wind Energy offer existing owners wind turbine servicing and maintenance for all Proven Energy, Kingspan Wind and SD wind ...

  • RES GmbH | Renewable Energy Service
    Service provider
    based in Hoogstede, GERMANY

    Founded in 2008 by the owner Robert Hüsken, RES is now worldwide active. With many years of wind industry experience and the open communication to our customers, RES established very fast in the wind market. In 2013, the area of responsibility was ...

    Wind Energy Services for OEM

    Wind Energy Services for OEM

    From the maintenance on onshore turbines to upgrade-installation and troubleshooting on offshore WTG´s. We realize the projects flexible and uncomplicated. The 36 KV measuring rod belongs to our tool equipment such as the hydraulic torque ...

  • Oceanic Wind Energy Inc.
    based in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Oceanic Wind Energy Inc. develops renewable energy projects in Canada. The company is developing an offshore wind energy project located in the Hecate Strait off the north coast of British Columbia. The company was formerly known as NaiKun Wind ...

    Oceanic Wind Energy - Remarkable Offshore Wind Energy

    Oceanic Wind Energy - Remarkable Offshore Wind Energy

    This remarkable offshore wind resource can support B.C.’s commitment to develop clean, renewable, made-in-B.C. electricity and can significantly contribute to meeting our growing energy needs. ...

  • Sun & Wind Energy
    Publishing company
    based in Bielefeld, GERMANY

    For more than 10 years SUN & WIND ENERGY has been the industry medium that covers a broad spectrum of renewable energy sources. Its accumulated competence enables SUN & WIND ENERGY to compile both product and market overviews, background reporting, ...

  • Carter Wind Energy
    based in Wichita Falls, TEXAS (USA)

    Carter Wind Energy manufactures medium-size wind turbines (300 & 500 kW) that are self-erecting, portable, and designed for distributed and micro-grid power generation applications in remote, extreme environment locations that are not viable with ...

    Carter - Wind Turbine Technology

    Carter - Wind Turbine Technology

    The wind turbine technology Carter has developed is most significant in that produces 4 times the energy per pound of equipment weight versus conventional wind turbine designs. The capital ...

  • Indian Wind Energy Association
    Professional association
    based in New Delhi, INDIA

    The Indian Wind Energy Association (InWEA) is a not-for-profit organisation that was set up in 2002 to work as an independent body representing the interests of developers, manufacturers of wind turbines, components, systems etc., and investors in ...

    Offshore Wind Services

    Offshore Wind Services

    After the success of onshore wind power programme, Indian government has decided to encourage the development of offshore wind in the country due to the presence of 7500 km long coastline. The MNRE has declared ...

  • World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)
    Nonprofit organization (NPO)
    based in Bonn, GERMANY

    WWEA is an international non-profit association embracing the wind sector worldwide, with more than 600 members in around 100 countries. WWEA works for the promotion and worldwide deployment of wind energy technology. Wind energy shall serve as one ...

    Wind Farms Planning Services

    Wind Farms Planning Services

    Figure 1 shows the flow chart from planning to the completion of the project as well as the phases from the operation to the dismantling of the turbines. The planning phase is divided into three ...

  • Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA)
    Professional association
    based in Naas, IRELAND

    IWEA is the national association for the wind industry in Ireland. This website is a resource for IWEA members and others interested in the promotion of wind energy in Ireland. IWEA is committed to education and awareness building to promote the ...

    Wind Skillnet Training Programme

    Wind Skillnet Training Programme

    Wind Skillnet is funded by member companies and The Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnets Ltd, funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills. Wind Skillnet ...

  • Service provider
    based in Knoxville, TENNESSEE (USA)

    KUB is a municipal utility serving Knox and parts of seven adjacent counties and provides electric, gas, water, and wastewater services to more than 420,000 ...

    Wind Energy

    Wind Energy

    The turbines make wind energy a major part of Green Power Switch, producing 29 megawatts of generation, or enough to power about 3,780 ...

  • Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA)
    Professional association
    based in Szczecin, POLAND

    The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1999 (previously known as “VIS VENTI Association for Supporting Wind Energy”). PWEA acts on the basis of the Associations Act. The Association is an ...

  • Skypull SA
    based in Riviera, SWITZERLAND

    Skypull development started in 2013. After initial design studies and IP rights protection, key personnel with experience in renewable energy and aerospace sector were brought in to transform an idea into a promising entrepreneurial initiative. The ...

    Skypull - High-Altitude Wind Energy Solutions

    Skypull - High-Altitude Wind Energy Solutions

    High-altitude winds, more continuous and stronger compared to ground-level winds, present an untapped potential estimated to be 270 times humanity's primary energy needs. By leveraging these ...

  • Aeolos Wind Energy Ltd.
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Aeolos wind turbine is a leading small wind turbines manufacturer in the world. Aeolos wind turbine was founded in Denmark in 1986. After 38 years development, Aeolos engineer team could provide various wind energy solutions for different customers. ...

    Aeolos - Model 3.6kW/ 5kW/ 8kW - Wind-Solar Hybrid Inverter

    Aeolos - Model 3.6kW/ 5kW/ 8kW - Wind-Solar Hybrid Inverter

    This inverter is a new technology product. It has two MPPT inputs, one is for wind turbine, and the other is for solar panel. A battery bank can be connected on the inverter to store the energy produced by the ...

  • Wind Energy Update -  Reuters Events
    Event organizer
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Wind Energy Update is a central information and networking platform for the Global wind industry. We help business leaders interact, share cutting edge information and broker major contracts. Working closely with our community, our mission is to ...

  • Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC )
    Professional association
    based in Brussels, BELGIUM

    The Global Wind Energy Council is the international trade association for the wind power industry. GWEC is a member-based organisation that represents the entire wind energy sector. The members of GWEC represent over 1,500 companies, organisations ...

  • The Energy Workshop Limited
    Consulting firm
    based in Huddersfield, UNITED KINGDOM

    We are a leading independent wind energy consultancy based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. We have been supporting wind farm developers all over the UK since 1992, and have a proven track record of consented projects. We pride ourselves on the ...

    Energy-Workshop - Financing Wind Energy Projects Services

    Energy-Workshop - Financing Wind Energy Projects Services

    We are always interested in hearing from landowners and other developers who are looking to sell their consented wind energy ...


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