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Wind Energy Suppliers & Manufacturers

17 companies found
  • Wind Energy Solutions BV (WES)
    based in Spanbroek, NETHERLANDS

    Over the last decade wind turbines and wind parks have taken off in spectacular fashion. Things are changing. Producing energy where you need it makes more sense than transporting it over long distances and using wind turbines to do this is known as ...

    WES - Model 80 - Wind Turbine

    WES - Model 80 - Wind Turbine

    The WES80 is a two bladed, high performance, reliable 80 kW midsize wind turbine with a rotor diameter of 18 meters with a new cover. The mechanical part of the WES80 is based on the original, proven design from 1983. For the ...

  • Robosoft Energy
    Software vendor
    based in Istanbul, TURKEY

    Focusing on automation and digitalization since 2009, Robosoft serves many companies. The company serves to become one of the leading IT companies by providing efficiency reporting and data analysis support in the production of energy efficient and ...

    RBS Report - Hydroelectric Energy Software

    RBS Report - Hydroelectric Energy Software

    With RBS Report® software you can perform productivity analyzes of your Hydroelectric Power Plants production ...

  • Earth Policy Institute
    Publishing company
    based in Washington, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (USA)

    The Earth Policy Institute (EPI) was founded in 2001 by Lester Brown, the founder and former president of the Worldwatch Institute, to provide a plan of a sustainable future along with a roadmap of how to get from here to there. EPI works at the ...

  • Windflow Technology Ltd
    based in Sydenham, NEW ZEALAND

    Windflow Technology is a company based in Christchurch, New Zealand known for its unique wind turbine gearbox design. The Windflow 500 is available to manufacture under licence in certain markets. Windflow UK is the UK distributor of Windflow ...

  • Powerhouse Wind Ltd
    based in Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND

    We design and create innovative New Zealand-made products to address the issues of rising electricity demand. We focus on wind utilization to boost energy independence. At Powerhouse Wind we help you use the wind to power your home, marae, bach ...

    PowerCrate - Wind Standalone Power System for Remote Energy Needs

    PowerCrate - Wind Standalone Power System for Remote Energy Needs

    The PowerCrate is an all-in-one stand-alone power system designed and built by Powerhouse Wind. The combination of diverse energy generation and storage, rapid deployment and remote monitoring makes PowerCrate an ...

  • Torque Wind Turbine
    based in Arcen, NETHERLANDS

    The Torque wind turbines can produce scalable renewable wind energy electricity for agriculture farms, country side houses and companies. The towers can be equipped with Wi-Fi internet, 5G antennas, satellite discs, weather stations and solar ...

  • Planetary Systems, Inc.
    based in Ennis, MONTANA (USA)

    Planetary Systems has been designing and installing renewable energy systems since 1994, and has over 1600 operational systems from .5kw to 22kw, worldwide. We have always been and remain committed to tested and reliable, yet cutting edge ...

    Planetary - Model EW-1000 - Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT)

    Planetary - Model EW-1000 - Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT)

    We have tested and used these or prototypes on our shop system and found they work well in the sometimes very high winds here in Ennis. call for discount pricing and operation information on any VAWT unit. We offer the C-type and ...

  • kartECO- Environmental and Energy Engineering Consultancy
    Consulting firm
    based in Thermi, PO BOX 60824, GREECE

    kartECO provides high Quality services in Environmental consulting, Energy Consulting, Natural Resourse Management (eg. Forestry), IT tools for Env. applications. WebGIS-Remote ...

  • Avenam Links Int`l Ltd
    Engineering service provider
    based in , NIGERIA

    AVENAM Links Int’l Ltd. One of the leading Renewable Energy companies in Nigeria, was incorporated to bring affordable Biogas digester and generator technology, Solar System and Wind energy technology to Nigerians as well as providing a simple, cost ...

  • Wind Harvest International, Inc.
    based in Sacramento, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Wind Harvest is creating new business sectors within the wind energy market space. Our Wind Harvesters are a key missing technology needed to open turbulent mid-level wind resources to development and meet critical renewable energy goals. Our ...

    Wind Harvest - Model H-Type - Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs)

    Wind Harvest - Model H-Type - Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs)

    The first markets for 57' to 90' tall Wind Harvesters will be distributed energy projects where tall turbines can't go because of their impacts on views, acoustics, radar, and endangered species or because they ...

  • Innoventum AB
    based in Malmö, SWEDEN

    A few years ago, Sigvald Harryson, then a management consultant and university professor at three universities in Sweden and Denmark, began to explore the topic of decentralization of wind power production. Being the passionate sailor that he is, he ...

    Innoventum AUTARKY - Energy Storage Systems

    Innoventum AUTARKY - Energy Storage Systems

    Store solar and wind energy with our partner Studer Next3, which manufactures power electronic since 1987. You become your own supplier of green energy from wind and sun, which ...

  • DynaVec AS
    based in Heimdal, NORWAY

    DynaVec designs, manufactures and installs innovative Francis and Pelton turbines for our customers worldwide. The turbines are optimized to withstanding large amounts of sediment load with minimal erosion, hence reducing operational downtime and ...

  • Energy Development Co-operative Limited
    based in Lowestoft, UNITED KINGDOM

    The Energy Development Co-operative Limited was established in 1997 and is based in Oulton Broad, Suffolk, UK. Our core business is supplying renewable energy technologies for off-grid energy applications. We provide high quality, stand-alone, solar ...

  • RenTech Global Solutions
    based in Reno, NEVADA (USA)

    We are the Defenders of the 3 Basic Human Rights: Food, Water and Shelter. In order to defend these rights, we have taken on the challenge of becoming Solution Providers for Several of the World’s Greatest Challenges. Our solutions address the ...

    RenTech - Wind Turbine

    RenTech - Wind Turbine

    Wind Turbine Introduction: Understanding the Basics of Wind Renewable Energy Generation" is a comprehensive guide to the fundamental principles of wind turbines and the production ...

  • Yelmotor
    based in Ümraniye, TURKEY

    Founded in 2011, with roots going as far as the late 90's, Yelmotor is an Istanbul based green energy designer and manufacturer company. Yelmotor manufactures small scale wind turbines designed to be use for home, marine and domestic ...

  • Ital Automation Systems S.r.l.
    Engineering service provider
    based in Mun. Chisinau, MOLDOVA

    ICS Ital Automation Systems S.r.l. is an engineering company mainly working as a system integrator in industrial automation fields. Portfolio of our company We provide Industrial Automation ...

  • Power & Water Systems Consultants Ltd (PWSC)
    Software vendor
    based in Dorking, UNITED KINGDOM

    PWSC was formed in 1983 to provide specialist consulting services associated with the operation and development of water resource, water supply and electricity supply systems. Rising demands, and the threat of greater stream flow variability as a ...

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