Wind Farm Suppliers & Manufacturers
PremiumSoftware vendorbased in Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Developers of environmental software including the well known Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System, ADMS. The world leading ADMS-Urban calculates pollution concentrations at street level resolution over urban areas and links seamlessly to ...
Wind Energy and Airflow Services
CERC has provided expert services in local flow and turbulence modelling for over 25 years and regularly takes part in UK, EU and international research ...
Service providerbased in San Jose, CALIFORNIA (USA)
To keep pace with today's fast-growing, innovative business climate, we strive to remain on the cutting edge of electrical technology. From our in-house engineering to prefabrication and in-house training to new installation methods, we set the ...
Wind Farms
Rosendin Electric recognizes that renewable energy will be integral to the future of power generation. We are constructing wind energy plants that will produce over 500 megawatts of capacity (enough to power 525,000 homes) ...
Consulting firmbased in Huddersfield, UNITED KINGDOM
We are a leading independent wind energy consultancy based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. We have been supporting wind farm developers all over the UK since 1992, and have a proven track record of consented projects. We pride ourselves on the ...
Energy-Workshop - Wind Farm Design Services
Wind farm design is an iterative process that involves the consideration of a number of factors, including the ...
Software vendorbased in Pertuis, FRANCE
Stationis software helps to design and scale the subsea architecture of a floating wind farm. It also makes it easier to choose the best electrical equipment and anchorage for a specific architectural set-up. Moreover, it improves the design quality ...
A Floating Wind Farm Design Turn-Key Software
A digital solution to design the anchoring and electrical connections of floating wind farms, optimising the performance and output of subsea connections, developed by a group of expert companies within offshore ...
Service providerbased in Bremen, GERMANY
wpd acts as a strong partner for the development, financing, construction and operation of wind farms on land and at sea. The medium-sized company, founded in Bremen, Germany, in 1996, is today playing a leading role in helping to convert energy ...
Wind Farm Management Services
Since 1998, our sister company, wpd windmanager, has been taking on all the tasks in connection with the commercial and technical management, primarily of wind farms but also of solar parks and biogas plants. wpd ...
Manufacturerbased in Lowestoft, UNITED KINGDOM
Over 55 years of offshore energy experience. Our job is to make your job feel lighter. From being the only single source EPIC contractor in the UK to being part of Seatrium - one of the world’s largest EPC contractors for the offshore industry - we ...
Sembmarine - Wind-Farm Substations Services
Renewable Energy Wind Turbine Generators and Gas Turbine Generators. With the advantage of 4 decades of experience in the oil and gas energy industry, Sembmarine SLP has an enviable record with regard to renewable energy and power ...
Nonprofit organization (NPO)based in Bonn, GERMANY
WWEA is an international non-profit association embracing the wind sector worldwide, with more than 600 members in around 100 countries. WWEA works for the promotion and worldwide deployment of wind energy technology. Wind energy shall serve as one ...
Wind Farms Planning Services
Figure 1 shows the flow chart from planning to the completion of the project as well as the phases from the operation to the dismantling of the turbines. The planning phase is divided into three ...
Manufacturerbased in Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Gigawatt Global Coöperatief U.A. is a multinational renewable energy company focused on the development and management of utility-scale solar fields in emerging markets. Gigawatt Global has a rich pipeline of renewable energy projects, providing ...
Software vendorbased in Madrid, SPAIN
FUROW is the market's only wind data analysis, wind resource assessment, and wind farm layout and optimization design software in one interface with three main ...
FUROW - Wind Farm Layout and Optimization Design Software
FUROW is the market's only wind data analysis, wind resource assessment, and wind farm layout and optimization design software in one interface with three main stages. ...
Manufacturerbased in Bilbao, SPAIN
We are a team of professionals and experts in mechanical and electrical equipment with a high technological component. Our signs of identity are our close relationships with customers and our technical expertise. We are constantly striving for ...
Service providerbased in Saint-Herblain, FRANCE
THE WIND ENGINEERING, CLIMATOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY EXPERT | For the past 20 years, Meteodyn has been a recognized specialist in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of wind flows, across all types of terrains and structures. Our expertise ...
Meteodyn WFO - The exhaustive wind farm optimization software
Meteodyn WFO is intended for wind farm design or the repowering of project and optimize their efficiency or ...
Manufacturerbased in Qidong City, CHINA
Nantong Rainbow Offshore & Engineering Equipments Co., Ltd. (ROC in short) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Rainbow Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange with Stock Code 002483, RHI in short) located in Qidong Marine ...
Wind Farm Operation Vessel
The wave compensation boarding device designed and made by ROC is the most advanced in China now. It is installed at the bow of “Dolphin 01” to compensate the waves for the operators’ safety while getting on and off the ...
Engineering service providerbased in Vaasa, FINLAND
The basis for our business is that we as engineers and business people are capable to support futureproof, sustainable development at a completely different level than what traditional environmentalists can do. Within Etha Wind we have considerable ...
Wind Farm Design Services
A major part of our activities for the moment is wind farm design and layout optimisation where we with different exactness take at least the following aspects into account: Preliminary wind ...
Software vendorbased in London, UNITED KINGDOM
We design, develop and implement state-of-the-art products and solutions that provide invaluable access to information and maximize viability and effectiveness of customer investments through performance optimization and OPEX reduction. We offer ...
Manufacturerbased in Wiesbaden, GERMANY
Founded in 1996, ABO Energy (fomerly known as ABO Wind) is among Europe’s leading developers of renewable energy projects. We develop, engineer, build, and maintain wind and solar farms as well as hybrid energy, battery storage, and hydrogen ...
Wind Farm Construction
ABO Wind also manages the wind farm construction in order to ensure that deadlines, quality standards and cost calculations are ...
Software vendorbased in Lorient, FRANCE
S4E, also known as soft4energy, provides the Energysoft application, a specialized cloud-based platform for monitoring energy production and consumption across various sites. Designed for professionals and businesses engaged in renewable energy, ...
S4E Energysoft - Energy Management Tracking Tool for Wind Farm
At a glance, Energysoft gives you the ability to visualise the activity, availability and performance of your wind turbines with advanced ...
Manufacturerbased in Noordwijk, NETHERLANDS
ITO Navaids is a leading company specialising in the design, production and maintenance of solar powered aids to navigation worldwide. Constantly striving to achieve the best in durability and reliability, we ensure that safety is paramount in ...
ITO - Model AL 650 - Wind Farms LED Floodlight
The AL 650 is suitable for lighting objects that cannot be easily located, such as offshore wind farms. The light source comes in two versions (100 or 30 degrees beam angle). The LEDs are powered by an automatic ...
Service providerbased in Langen, GERMANY
SAG Germany is one of the leading service and system supplier for electrical power, gas, water, and telecommunication networks, as well as plants generating, providing, and applying energies, water, and gas. Over 100 locations in Germany assure good ...
Onshore and Offshore Connecting Services
Wind energy is one of the mainstays of renewable energy in Germany. The challenges lie in connecting the wind farm to the main grid — especially when they are offshore. Our many years of ...
Technologybased in Einsiedeln, SWITZERLAND
Nabla wind hub is an independent solution provider for life extension and performance improvement of wind turbines, specialized in wind assets’ redevelopment in a post-subsidies market. Life extension and performance improvement of wind farms, and ...
Model Retipping - Design Conditions of Old Wind Turbines
By upgrading the rotor of wind turbines with modular configurable tip extension designs, nabla manages to deliver Annual Energy Production (AEP) increases of up to 10% and a significant reduction in the Levelized Cost of Energy ...
Service providerbased in Kilkenny, IRELAND
Founded in 2003, Gaeltec Utilities Limited has grown to become one of the leading companies operating in the energy, renewable, and telecommunications sectors. Employing over 170 direct highly skilled professional staff, Gaeltec continuously ...
Wind Farms
Gaeltec is one of the largest providers of onshore windfarm construction. With our knowledge, expertise and broad range of capabilities, we design, procure, install and commission large scale windfarm projects. Our wide range of proficiencies ...
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