Wood Biomass Suppliers In Africa

3 companies found
  • Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
    Distributor in Bryanston, SOUTH AFRICA

    When Hans Ruf introduced his first briquette press in 1985 and sold it to a wood processing plant, people didn’t yet know how residual materials in production could be made efficient use of. Today, approx. 35 years later, RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. ...

  • Clarke Energy
    Office in Bonanjo, CAMEROON

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

    Syngas Cogeneration / Combined Heat & Power

    Syngas Cogeneration / Combined Heat & Power

    Syngas, also known as synthesis gas, synthetic gas or producer gas, can be produced from a variety of different materials that contain carbon. These can include biomass (wood gas), plastics, coal, municipal waste or ...

  • Flexus Balasystem AB
    Distributor in Maroc, MOROCCO

    Flexus BalaSystem AB in Sweden is the pioneer and manufacturer of highly cost effective heavy-duty integrated round baling & wrapping solutions. Flexus brings durable solutions for a wide range of applications, incl MSW, RDF/SRF, landfill ...

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