Kiverco Recycling Systems Ltd.

Kiverco Recycling Systems Ltd.

Kiverco Recycling Systems Ltd. Industries

  • Recycling Systems

  • Waste recycling systems for refuse derived fuel (RDF) - Waste and Recycling - Recycling Systems

    Waste recycling systems for refuse derived fuel (RDF)

    Kiverco can design, manufacture and install bespoke Refuse Derived Fuel recycling systems, which will be unique to your own waste recycling specifications. By combining our forward thinking design, use of latest technologies and high quality manufacture Kiverco can ensure the longevity of your RDF recycling plant and its maximum productivity potential.

  • Waste and Recycling

  • Waste recycling solutions for incinerator bottom ash sector - Waste and Recycling

    Waste recycling solutions for incinerator bottom ash sector

    Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) is the material discharged through the grate of a Waste to Energy facility after incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW). Depending on the waste being incinerated IBA can contain varying quantities of glass, ceramics, brick, concrete and metals in addition to clinker and ash.