Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc.

Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc.

Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc.

Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc. is the world’s largest biodiesel consulting group. We offer a wide range of services from the initial assessment and planning stages of a project - through selection of technology and oversight of construction - to staff training and the plant’s startup and initial operations - and beyond. In addition to our consulting team, we also maintain key strategic working relationships with the nation`s top alternative energy law firms, accounting firms, engineering groups, and fabrication facilities.

Company details

9903 Brockington Road, Suite 106 , Sherwood , Arkansas 72120 USA
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Business Type:
Service provider
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Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Lee Enterprises Consulting is the world’s largest alternative and renewable fuels consulting firm. We provide assistance in biodiesel, ethanol, wind, solar, biomass, waste-to-energy, forestry bioenergy, cellulosic ethanol, gasification, biopolymers, biobutanol and more.  Our group has an unparalleled depth and breadth of talent. Each of our consultants is an expert in their field, personally selected because of their education, experience and professional credentials. In addition to these consultants, we maintain strategic alliances with the top alternative and renewable fuels companies worldwide.  Take a moment to look at our team of consultants and strategic alliances and you will see that you are one call away from addressing virtually any alternative or renewable fuels need.

Our team stays abreast of the most recent developments in alternative and renewable fuels.  In addition to our daily communications with each other, we talk regularly as a group – sharing ideas and updating each other on new breakthroughs in our fields.  We stay abreast of the latest developments and work diligently to maintain the ability to deliver the best customer service for alternative and renewable fuels projects worldwide.

The world has undergone three great energy transitions.  The first was man’s mastery of fire.  The second was man’s shift from foraging for food, to the use of agriculture and domesticated animals. The third transition was a shift from labor provided by animals and humans to engines that burn fossil fuels. We are  now in the midst of the fourth great energy transition – the shift from fossil fuels to renewable and alternative energy. Lee Enterprises Consulting is proud to be on the cutting edge of this most important journey.

At Lee Enterprises Consulting, we understand energy and we realize the important role that oil plays in so many aspects of our lives. However, we don’t believe that oil alone is a long term solution.  As we see the foreign policies and relations of most countries being dictated by oil considerations, we realize the economic and security interests that are at stake in an “oil dependent” world.  Equally important, are the environmental concerns.  

We are guided by the philosophy that Native Americans  have followed for centuries:  “Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents – it was loaned to you by your children.”  In short, we believe that the development of alternative and renewable fuels is critical to the future, and that these developments will create a healthier, more stable world.   Like the previous energy transitions, this fourth great energy transition is one that all nations will take together.

At Lee Enterprises Consulting, we are doing our part to create a sustainable world for future generations.

Lee Enterprises Consulting was founded in 1995 by Wayne Lee, the current CEO. We began small, serving only the biodiesel sector, but with a vision of becoming the premiere alternative fuels consulting group worldwide.  Over the past two decades, we sought out the top talent and systematically planned our growth.  We are now the world’s largest alternative fuels consulting group, with experts now serving many industries: biodiesel, ethanol, wind, solar, biomass, waste-to-energy, forestry bioenergy, cellulosic ethanol, gasification, biopolymers, and biobutanol.  We stay on the cutting edge of new technologies and new alternatives, and we continue to expand as new needs arise.

While we are the world’s largest alternative and renewable fuels consulting group because of the number of consultants in our group, it is the quality of those experts and the collective knowledge we possess that makes us the best!