Litostroj Power

Litostroj Power

6 products found

Litostroj Power Products

  • Hydro Turbines

  • Litostroj - Pelton Turbines

    Litostroj - Pelton Turbines

    Design principle and range of use: Pelton turbines with either vertical or horizontal shaft are intended for use of water energy at very high head (up to 1500 m) and relatively low discharge. Pelton turbine is an impulse machine that transforms the potential energy of water into kinetic energy in a form of a water jet, which impacts and drives a Pelton ...

  • Litostroj - Francis Turbines

    Litostroj - Francis Turbines

    Design principle and range of use: Francis turbine is characterized by a fixed-blade Francis runner that is hydraulically optimized for a narrow operating range. Traditionally, Francis turbine has been considered to be a simple and robust machine suitable for exploitation of water energy at a wide range of head, from 30 m up to 750 ...

  • Litostroj - Kaplan Turbines

    Litostroj - Kaplan Turbines

    Design principle and range of use: Kaplan turbine is a double-regulated turbine. It is equipped with a Kaplan runner with variable-pitch blades that is hydraulically optimized for a wide range of discharge and a relatively wide range of head and is combined with regulated guide vanes, which makes a Kaplan turbine suitable for a wide range of discharge and head. The governor enables optimizing the CAM relationship between the distributor and runner ...

  • Litostroj - Pit and Bulb Turbines

    Litostroj - Pit and Bulb Turbines

    Design principle and range of use:Pit and Bulb turbines are horizontal axial flow units equipped with a regulated Kaplan runner. These turbines are typically used at low heads (1,5 m to 25 m) and high discharges. The double regulation design allows wide operating range covering various heads and ...

  • Litostroj - Model S-Type - Saxo Turbines, Vertical Tubular and Turbines

    Litostroj - Model S-Type - Saxo Turbines, Vertical Tubular and Turbines

    Design principle and range of use: The main characteristic of Saxo Turbines, Vertical tubular and S-type turbines is the axial flow arrangement of the unit, use of a conical distributor and absence of a spiral case. All unit types may be equipped with a regulated Kaplan runner, enabling the unit to operate efficiently under a wide range of discharges and heads. These type of turbines typically cover the head range similar to Kaplan units, meaning they can ...

  • Litostroj - Small Hydro Power

    Litostroj - Small Hydro Power

    Design principle and range of use: Compact turbines are characterized by small overall dimensions and can be of various types. Their compact design allows simple installation, with major turbine components transported to site pre-assembled. General description & our setup: The majority of turbine types can be effectively implemented in a compact solution, with setup similar to a simplified setup of the large prototype of the same type. The compact ...