LM Wind Power

LM Wind Power

2 services found

LM Wind Power Services

  • Blades Logistics Solution

    Blades Logistics Solution

    The Blades Logistics Solution is a supplementary logistics service offered to our customers. We leverage global transportation, blade handling competency, fixture solutions, and in-plant shipment coordination into a single, focused resource. We enable easier communication and a low total delivery cost due to improved transportation efficiency, route optimization, and contract negotiation. LM Wind Power also offers installation support, which enables easy ...

  • Leading Edge Protection Services

    Leading Edge Protection Services

    Leading edge erosion (LEE) is a phenomenon where the leading edge of a wind turbine blade is eroded due to rain, hail, UV, sand, dust, and numerous airborne particulates. Since wind turbine blades are built to last over 2 decades, this erosion exposes the fiberglass beneath and ultimately impacts the blade’s life causing the turbine to produce less energy over ...