Energy Suppliers In Europe For University / Academia / Research - Water Science And Research

22 companies found
  • Cytiva
    Office in Köln, GERMANY

    Cytiva, now with the life sciences business from Pall, is a global provider of technologies, services, and expertise to help researchers and companies protect and preserve the planet for improved human health and safety. Our products offer quality, ...

  • Delta-T Devices Ltd.
    based in Burwell, UNITED KINGDOM

    Delta-T offers a wide range of data loggers and sensors able to measure and record hydrological, meteorological and other environmental parameters. Our products provide direct measurements of the forces and effects that renewable energy and other ...

  • Aqua~Media International Ltd.
    Publishing company
    based in Wallington, UNITED KINGDOM

    The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams is a bi-monthly publication, read in 180 countries, dealing with all technical, environmental, social and economic aspects of hydro plants and multipurpose water resources development projects. It ...

  • SC sustainable concepts GmbH
    based in Erfurt, GERMANY

    The company has extensive know-how in a wide range of topics extending from material sciences, manufacturing, systems application and international cooperation in R&D. Through his president the company has established national and international ...

  • Cookson And Zinn (PTL) Limited
    based in Hadleigh, UNITED KINGDOM

    Cookson & Zinn (CZ) is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of above and below ground fuel storage tanks and pressure vessels, offering our services and high quality underground storage tanks for major oil companies and independent ...

  • Avecom NV
    based in Wondelgem, BELGIUM

    Avecom’s core business is steering and optimizing microbial processes with the focus on customer's needs. With the goal of making the world a better and healthier place, combined with a strong scientific background, Avecom is a true leader in its ...

  • RainWise Inc.
    Distributor in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    RainWise has led the industry on the advancement of weather monitoring technology from the development of our original product, the Remote Reading Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge, to the invention of the first digital weather station. Our technology ...

  • Finapp S.r.l.
    based in Montegrotto Terme PD, ITALY

    Nowadays, water sensing is still a challenge in many applications. Proper water measurement is a prerequisite for many applications: from agriculture, to flood, landslide, and avalanche pre-warning systems, to water resource management for energy ...

  • Anthias Consulting Ltd.
    Training provider
    based in Papworth Everard, UNITED KINGDOM

    Anthias Consulting Ltd are experts in the analytical science fields of Gas Chromatography (GC, GCxGC), Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, UHPLC, LCxLC), Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-MS), Spectroscopy (ICP-OES, IR, UV-Vis, AA), Mass Spectrometry ...

  • TK Consult AG
    Engineering service provider
    based in Zurich, SWITZERLAND

    TK Consult AG offers an extensive service catalog in environmental and hydraulic engineering consulting, with special emphasis on the numerical modelling of hydrogeology, hydrodynamics, geothermal and software ...

  • DelAgua Group
    based in Marlborough, UNITED KINGDOM

    The DelAgua Group of companies design and implement major carbon development projects. Our purpose is Transforming Lives and Nature through Enterprise. The company was founded at the University of Surrey in 1985, developing the first DelAgua water ...

  • Waterra USA Inc.
    Distributor in Kuopio, FINLAND

    Waterra is a leading global manufacturer of high quality equipment for the environmental monitoring industry. Waterra focuses specifically on groundwater monitoring and well development. We provode a range of pumps and samplers, water level and ...

  • Carbon Gold Ltd
    based in Clevedon, UNITED KINGDOM

    Carbon Gold was founded by Craig Sams, founder of Green & Blacks Chocolate, back in 2007 as an organic, peat free planting aid. His co-founder was Dan Morrell, founder of the Carbon Neutral Company. Following a few years of incredible results from ...

  • Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
    Distributor in Bracebridge, UNITED KINGDOM

    Sequoia Scientific, Inc. began operations in February 1995. The company's main business is to manufacture instrumentation and software for scientific research and environmental monitoring, and carry out academic research. LISSTs are used for ...

  • Falmouth Scientific, Inc. (FSI)
    Distributor in Leighton Buzzard, UNITED KINGDOM

    Falmouth Scientific, Inc. (FSI) provides innovative and reliable sensor and survey solutions for applications in salt and fresh water environments. ​Since it was founded in 1989, and has extensive experience in building complex transducer elements ...

  • Surface Measurement Systems (SMS) Ltd.
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    For 30 years, Surface Measurement Systems has been the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of advanced gravimetric sorption analyzers for the physicochemical characterization of solids. Our story began in 1991 when Prof. Daryl Williams ...

  • Desalination Institute DME
    Service provider
    based in Duisburg, GERMANY

    Desalination Institute DME is committed to concentrate and structure know-how existing in desalination with focus on the economy, sciences and politics. Globally we provide services, experiences and offering further education on water desalination. ...

  • Varicon Aqua Solutions Ltd
    based in Hallow, UNITED KINGDOM

    Varicon Aqua is the manufacturer of the Phyco- range of photobioreactors and the Cell-Hi line of algal nutrients. We are based in the UK and our team has more than 30 years’ experience designing, constructing and deploying algal photobioreactors, ...

  • Global Analyser Solutions (GAS)
    based in Breda, NETHERLANDS

    GAS, Global Analyser Solutions, specialise in turnkey products for Energy, Refinery, Chemical and Environmental markets. A comprehensive range of standardised analysers is offered, like RGA, NGA, DHA, Simdist and PIONA. On-line analysers are ...

  • Sigma-Aldrich
    Office in , UNITED KINGDOM

    The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, which operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada, has 19,000 employees and 65 manufacturing sites worldwide, with a portfolio of more than 300,000 products enabling scientific ...

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