MagPower Systems Inc.

MagPower Systems Inc.

MagPower Systems Inc.

MagPower Systems Inc. is engaged in the research, development & licensing of its magnesium-air and hydrogen inhibitor technologies. Magnesium-air is MagPower`s alternative energy source. It is ideal for low amperage lighting & power applications. An LED based lantern using this cell is now in prototype production. Hydrogen inhibitors improve cell efficiency and also have smelting applications. These non-toxic & environmentally friendly technologies have immediate global opportunities.

Company details

P.O. Box 2506 , Stony Plain , AB T7Z 1X1 Canada
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Fuel Cells
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded:

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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MagPower Systems Inc. is the leader in the areas of Metal-Air Power, Hydrogen Inhibitor research, and cost effective alternative power sources. MagPower has an experienced and cohesive management team and accompanied with their accomplished research and design team, are bringing their innovative power products to market.

MagPower is the world's leading Research and Development Facility for power source technology. MagPower’s Intellectual Property (I.P.) has enabled it to develop environmentally friendly, technologically innovative power products which are being brought to market in a cost-effective manner. Power products are applicable to the industrial, commercial and retail markets. MagPower markets its technology through world-wide licensing agreements.

MagPower has developed the scientific means to control the detrimental formation of hydrogen that occurs in electrochemical reactions in the identified following applications:

  • Magnesium-Air Fuel Cell (MAFC) - patented
  • Electrowinning: Zinc (patented), copper, nickel, gold, silver, cobalt, manganese
  • Zinc Alkaline Batteries
  • Electroplating/anodizing
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Coolants
  • Waste Water Recycling
  • Heater Packs (Military)

The technology has led to the commercialization of the Magnesium-Air Fuel Cell

Independent technological certification of the hydrogen inhibitors that MagPower developed was completed at the laboratories of B.C. Research and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

The company has two separate divisions consisting of Hydrogen Inhibitors Commercial Applications and the Magnesium-Air Fuel Cell (MAFC).

  • MagPower Systems Inc. will continue to produce reliable, safe, environmntally friendly, and affordable alternative energy products.
  • MagPower will continue to reduce energy consumption through use of its patented Hydrogen Inhibitors.

MagPower Systems Inc. was formed in 1999 by Mr. Bruce W. Downing to commercialize the Magnesium-Air Fuel Cell Technology.

In order to successfully produce a commercially viable MAFC, the company had to first develop the means to control the formation of hydrogen in the system. Substantial contractual work by MagPower’s Research and Development Team at the University of British Columbia led to the development of additives (hydrogen inhibitor) for reducing the formation of hydrogen in the MAFC (patented). Subsequently, this hydrogen inhibitor technology has led to hydrogen reduction in zinc electrowinning (patented), manganese electrowinning and zinc alkaline batteries.

The Company has investigated over 30 such patent pending hydrogen inhibitors. MagPower has established two divisions of the company in 2001 to commercialize this new technology; the Hydrogen Inhibitor Division and the Magnesium-Air Fuel Cells Division, dividing them into subdivisions for specific applications.

Bringing the Magnesium Air Fuel Cell to the World!

Powerful, safe fuel cell technology with environmental benefits and unique social and energetic strengths generating innovation through research and manufacturing partnerships.

MagPower Systems Inc. is the world leading Magnesium Air Fuel Cell (MAFC) technology company. MAFC is a powerful, reliable and environmentally friendly non-toxic alternative power source that generates electricity by combining magnesium, saltwater and air. The company is focusing on the efficient development and commercialization of the technology through research and business partnerships.

The Company will promote effective technical cooperation, knowledge-base networking and risk and revenue sharing.

MagPower’s tech-development strategy incorporates relationships with Research Institutes, Government organizations and global NGO’s. Each is a key constituent in the Company’s strategy. Shifting priorities in legislative initiatives are pushing alternative energy producers to the forefront.

MagPower is not, by design, a manufacturer. The Company’s strength lies in the research and development capability that has spawned the core technology. To that end it will seek external manufacturing partners who will use the technology as a primary or secondary power source.