Metener Oy

Metener Oy

4 Articles found

Metener Oy Articles

  • Palopuron Biokaasu Oy dry fermentation plant in Hyvinkää - Case Study

    Constructed and commissioned in year 2018. Produces 2500 MWh traffic gas per year using grass, horse and chicken manure as biomasses. Biogas is upgraded to biomethane and pressurized to 250bar using Metener own developed systems. Biomethane is sold ...

  • Dry Fermentation Plant , Kouvola - Case Study

    Dry fermentation plant to Kouvola, Finland year 2017.  Plant consist of two 1000 m3 batch digesters and one percolation tank. Biogas is produced from laundry waste, grass and grease. Energy is used for heat and electricity production.

  • Biogas plant and public CBG filling station in Joutsa, Finland - Case Study

    Biogas plant and public CBG filling station in Joutsa, Finland. Biomethane production started in spring 2014. Biomethane is produced from household biowaste and sewage sludge, together 5000 tons/year. Fermenter size is 750 m3. Biogas plant and ...

  • Biogas plant in Huittinen - Case Study

    Biogas plant in Huittinen, Finland. Plant is next to pig house and biogas is produced from pig manure, food industry waste like potato peel and agricultural waste. All together nearly 16 000 tons of biomass is used yearly. Biogas is used for ...